Chapter 10

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I wonder what's going to happen today. It's the first day in school as a couple and I don't really know how to act. Does Ed want to come out? Does he want to keep it a secret? He got a tattoo of the day we started dating, I don't think he wants to hide. But what if? I don't want to hide.

I sigh and walk into the school, walking past some couples that are kissing at their lockers, kids that are quickly copying the homework from others or students that are basically falling asleep in their lockers. I open my own locker and take my books out.

Suddenly I feel two strong arms around me and a kiss on my shoulder. I turn around and look up into Ed's eyes, smiling at him.

"Hey baby." he says and I smile wider.

"Hey love, how are you?" I ask, closing my locker once he let go off me.

"Now that I'm with you, I'm good." he says smiling.

"I'm glad." I say and lean in to kiss his cheek but he stops me.

I look at him worriedly but before I can say something he kisses me, pressing me lightly against the lockers. I put my hands into his neck and smile into the kiss, then he pulls away.

"I want a real kiss." he says and I chuckle.

He takes my hands in his and rubs them softly with his thumbs, looking down at them. I peck Edward's lips again and rest my forehead against his.

"I knew it!" an irish accent yells and I turn my head slightly, seeing Niall walk over to us.

"Hey Niall." I say, pulling away from Ed's head.

"Since when are you dating?" he asks.

"Three days." I say.

"I knew you would choose Ed!" Niall says and I chuckle.

"How could I not?" I ask and Ed put his hands under my bum, lifting me up.

"Well you make a cute couple." Niall says.

I chuckle and Ed smiles up at me, leaning up to kiss me, then putting me back on the ground.

"And you're not really subtle either." Niall said.

I take Edward's hand and stroke his tattoo of our date with my thumb, kissing it softly.

"What did you just kiss?" Niall asks.

"Nothing." I say, smiling.

Ed smiles down at me softly and pulls me close, pecking my head.

"You're all I ever wanted." he whispers, causing me to blush.

"And so are you." I whisper, looking up at him.

The bell rings and Ed takes my hand and we start walking to class, Niall walking next to me. I have to get him a boyfriend so he doesn't feel like the third wheel. We enter the classroom and Ed pecks my lips, stroking my cheek softly before going in the last row and sitting on his seat. I smile and sit down next to Niall on my seat.

"Does your mom already know?" Niall asks and I nod.

"My mom and one of my sisters. I'll tell the others soon as well and right now my grandparents are visiting and I want to tell them as well." I say.

"But?" Niall asks.

"But, they hate piercings and tattoos and they're not the biggest fans of gays." I explain.

"So they don't know you're gay?" Niall asks and I nod.

"Not yet." I say.

"Well they will love Edward." Niall chuckles and I sith.

~ON HOLD~ The Styles Triplets [Larry/Ledward/Larcel]Where stories live. Discover now