Chapter 12

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Edward's POV:

Walking into the school lazily I see Zayn and go over to him, recieving a small smile from him

"Hey Ed, how are you?" he asks.

"Amazing! I'm so happy. What about you?" I ask.

"Could be better." he says, "I'm glad you and Louis are happy."

"Yeah, we have a few problems with his grandparents, but who cares." I say shrugging.

"Yeah." Zayn says, shrugging.

"I mean, it's pretty hard because I'm the opposite of what they wanted for Louis. They actually wanted him to date a beautiful girl. They hate tattoos and piercings and so on and they don't like gays." I continue to ramble.

"Uh-huh." Zayn says and I continue talking.

"Well, so, happened anything interesting on the weekend?" I ask.

"Um no, not really." Zayn said and I shrug.

"Are you sure you ok?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Look, it's great that you love Louis and that you're happy with him. I don't care that you're like a different person but it's annoying when you talk about how happy you are with him all the time." Zayn says while we enter the classroom.

"I thought you're happy for me?" I ask.

"I am happy for you." Zayn says.

"Doesn't sound like you are." I say, crossing my arms.

"It's just a little annoying, ok?" he says and I shrug.

"Sorry." I say simply and turn to the teacher who just entered the room.

"Are you mad at me now?" Zayn asks and I ignore him.

I have to pay attention in school so my grades get better.

In the break we go to our lockers and I take the books I need. Suddenly two arms wrap around me and I immediatly smile.

"Hey Lou." I say and turn around in his arms.

"Hey love, I missed you." Louis said, making my heart beat faster.

"I missed you too." I say and peck his lips.

"You've been in the same room, haven't you?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah, but he's sitting at the other end of the classroom." I say and Zayn rolls his eyes, walking away.

"Is he ok?" Louis asked.

"He said so, he's just a little annoyed." I say.

"Hey Lou, Ed." Niall says smiling.

Louis lets go off me and turns around to look at Niall. I pout and wrap my arms around him from behind, bending down to rest my chin on his shoulder.

"You're so clingy." Niall chuckles and I shrug.

"I love him and want him close to me." I say.

"Love you too." Louis says, kissing my head softly.

Two guys walk by and one looks at us disgusted and mumbles "Fags."

I let go off Louis and walk after him, causing Niall and Louis to look at me confused.

I push the boy against the wall and hold him so he can't slip away.

"Do you have a problem? Then say it into my face and don't mumble it." I say harshly.

"N-No I- it's nothing." he says and I grip his arm harder.

"Why did you call us fags then?" I ask.

"Ed." Louis says softly and puts his hand on my back, making me look at him, "Just leave it, just ignore what others say." Louis says, his voice calming me.

Hesitantly I let go off the boy who quickly runs away and Louis pulls me into his arms.

"Please don't be like that." he whispers and I nod.

"I'm sorry." I mumble and he pulls away.

"Shall we go to class?" he asks, holding his hand out for me.

"We shall." I say smiling and take his hand.

Kissing my cheek Louis goes over to his seat and sits down. I sigh and sit on my own seat, Zayn nowhere to be seen. When he finally enters the room I look up at him, "Where did you go?"

"Oh I didn't think you would notice." Zayn shrugs and sits down.

I roll my eyes and pay attention to the teacher. If he has a problem he should just tell me and not be like this.



'Hey mate, are you going to the party tonight?' I text Zayn.

'I thought you're going with Louis?' Zayn replies.

'He has to study, are you going?' I ask.

'Yeah, I'll be there.' he replies and I get ready for the party.

Nothing special, just black skinny jeans, a white t shirt and a blue plaid shirt.

I drive to the house and ring the doorbell being greeted by about 20 people at once. I laugh and go inside, looking around the house. I walk around and find Zayn at the bar and go over to him, taking a drink and sipping it, "Hey mate."

"Hey." Zayn says bored.

"Looks like someone is bored, come on have some fun!" I say and pull him to the dancefloor, "You dance now."

"I'm not in the mood, Ed." he says annoyed and I shrug, starting to dance to the music while drinking my drink.

A few drinks later I feel drunk and just dance with random people. Suddenly I feel a hand on my hip and a body behind me and I look up at a guy I have never seen before but fuck he was attractive.

"Wanna dance?" he asks into my ear and I nod, feeling his hands on my hips.

I start moving my body against his and soon his lips are on my neck. Not even realizing what is happening and I grind onto him and let out a quiet moan when he sucks on my skin. He moves his hand around my body and palms me, making me move my hips forward into his hand. Suddenly someone grabs my arm and pulls me away from the other guy.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Zayn yells but I'm too drunk and just laugh.

Zayn slaps me lightly so I pay attention to him, "You know you just did what Louis was scared of all the time, right?!"

"He will never find out." I slur and Zayn shakes his head.

"You're an ass Ed, you didn't even realize I broke up with Perrie! And now you're cheating on your boyfriend!" Zayn yelled.

I just laugh again and almost trip over my own feet. Zayn grabs my arms and sits me in his car, driving me home.

"If you weren't my friend I would kill you." Zayn says and brings me into my room.

He leaves and I lay in my bed, falling asleep immediatly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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