Chapter 9

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Louis' POV:

I can't believe all this happened after only a few days. Edward is such a sweet boy and the tattoos and piercings are just facade. He's so gentle and careful and just perfect.

"I have to go now." I say and Ed pulls me into his arms.

"Call me later?" he asks and I nod.

"Love you." I say.

"Love you too, bye!" he says and I leave the house.

I sit down in my car and drive home.

"Hey Louis." my mom says and I smile at her, "How was it at your friend's?"

"Nice, really nice." I say, grinning like an idiot.

"Are you ok?" she asks, chuckling a bit.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"Oh, it's nothing." she said, shaking her head.

"I'm upstairs, ok?" I say and she nods.

I run up the stairs and sit down on my bed. Well I guess it's time for homework.


After about an hour I'm ready and I look at the time, 4 pm.

"Lou, get ready! Your grandparents will be here any minute!" my mom shouts.

"What? Why are they coming?" I ask confused.

"Because they wanted to see you!" she says and I sigh.

"Ok." I say and quickly pick an outfit.

Black skinny jeans, white t shirt and a black blazer should be ok. I quickly put the clothes on and then fix my hair and rub my cheeck, thinking if I should shave or not. The doorbell rings so I decide not to and run downstairs.

"Hey grandma, hey grandpa." I say, hugging them both.

"Louis! You've grown so much!" my grandma says and I laugh.

"Thank you." I say.

It's always a bit hard to be around my grandparents. They don't know I'm gay and I really don't know how to tell them. I know that I'm gay for almost 5 years now and I still have no idea how to tell them. It's not that they're homophobic, they just don't like homosexuality that much. I don't know how they would react. They would probably freak out if the knew me and Edward are dating. Especially because of his piercings and tattoos. They don't like them and think it's disgusting. I don't even want to know how they would react if they knew he's my boyfriend.


Is Edward my boyfriend? I think so. We said that we loved each other and had sex. I know that the last one isn't special for Edward but to me it is. The question is, does he think that we're together or not?

The next problem is, I have to tell my mom. She accepts that I'm gay and doesn't have a problem with it but Ed would be the first real boyfriend I had since I told her about my sexuality. Of course I was dating boys but it was never a real relationship and I never really told my mom that I'm dating any of them.

"Louis, let me look at you." my granddad says smiling.

"Hey grandpa." I say, hugging him.

They go into the living room and everyone sits down on the sofas. The girls and my mom greet them and sit down as well then. 

"How are you all?" my grandma asks.

"We're good." Jay says smiling.

"What about you?" I ask.

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