Chapter 1

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"Good luck with Edward!" Niall says and I nod.

I enter the cafeteria and search Edward with my eyes. When I found him I smile alittle and go over to him. He's sitting at a table with his friend and he starts smirking when he sees me.

"Hey Lou, sit down." he says, patting on the seat next to him.

I sit down and he looks at me up and down. I bite on my lip and he smirks even more.

"Hungry?" he asks and I nod.

"A bit." I say.

"Want to eat the 'amazing' food of our cafeteria or something that actually is amazing?" he asks.

"Is the food really that bad here?" I aska nd he nods, smirking.

"Well then something good." I say and he stands up.

"By the way, this is Zayn." he says, nodding into the direction of the black haired guy.

"Hi." I say and Zayn waves me.

"Are you coming?" Edward asks and starts walking away.

I quickly go after him and look back at Zayn.

"Do you just leave him here alone now?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Naah, he's meeting his girlfriend here so he won't be alone." he says.

 We leave the school building and I just follow Edward.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"A little café." he says.

He stops in front of a nice looking café and enters it. I quickly follow him and we sit down at a table.

"So what do you want to eat?" he asks.

"Nothing much." I say.

"Want to share the chocolate cake?" he asks and I nod smiling.

A waiter comes over to us and Edward tells them our order. He whispers something into the ear of the waiter and then he leaves.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"Nothing important." he says smiling.

"Ok." I say and he leans back against his chair.

"So Louis, you're from Doncaster, right?" Edward asks and I nod.

"And you came here because you're mom found work here." he says and I nod again.

"Ok, tell me more about you." he says and I think about it for a while.

"Well I'm 17. I like singing and playing soccer." I say.

"You play soccer?" Edward cuts me off and I nod.

"I'm on the soccer team. Maybe you want to be part of it. We need new players. The practice is today." he says and I nod.

"I already planned on going there." I say and he smirks.

"Then we will probably see each other more often." he says and I smile.

"I have nothing against that." I say and Edward chuckles.

"Me neither." he says and the waiter brings our chocolate cake and two coffees.

"I hope you like coffee." Edward says and I nod.

"Thank you." I say and he smiles.

We start eating and drinking our coffee, slowly getting to know each other better. Unfortunately time goes pretty fast and we have to go back to the school soon.

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