Chapter 17

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I stood in the room staring out into the vast scenery in front of me. It was the only form of entertainment I had since I refused to talk to anyone. People thought I was sick and left me alone most of the time. Okay fine, that was the lie Aaron had told people.  I tried not to hate them all. It was not their fault that they were brainwashed. There was one thing I knew for sure. Aaron was a grey binder.

Aaron did occasional knock on my door and plead for me to talk to him, or he would drone on and on about how he was "protecting" me and how he never wanted to lie to me. As if.

All of these thoughts were just making me more upset and I couldn't control the anger and hatred that was bubbling up inside of me. I trusted Aaron. I trusted that he would tell me the truth, but instead he stepped on my trust and used it as a mat for his heartless self.

They had moved me to a room with more sun than the one I had had when I first came here. I liked the heat of the sun nowadays, it helped me to think of a way to escape. Maybe I could jump out if the window and ask for Jame's help. Maybe I could steal Aarons phone and call the police to place me in witness protection projram.

I sighed and stared at the window. It was a stupid idea but what choice did I have. If I stayed I would've been part of his sick plan. I needed people to help me take back what was mine and change the society.

I gathered all of the little belongings I had and opened the window. I sniffed the beautiful Earthy air and held onto the wooden window pain which framed the glass.

I braced myself for the impact of the fall since I was quite a distance from the ground. I lunged out and hit the ground with a loud thud. I groaned in unfamiliar pain and breathed in deeply. Slowly I placed my hands on the ground and helped myself off the ground.

Quietly I walked away from the homestead, leaving it as far away from my memory as possible.

I walked and walked through the emptiness until I spotted a small town in the distance, and towering over the town was a massive brick castle. It looked spectacular with large trees concealing some areas of the building. That was clearly James' palace.

I stomped through the rest of the emptiness then walked through the thick forestry that lead closely to the town.

It was not what I expected. Instead of a small town, it now looked like a developing city. Malls, restaurants, hotels, office parks and even more industry buildings. My mouth gaped open at the sight. Cars drove frantically on the road and to their various destinations. I walked along the path which was slowly turning into a road and followed it till the tar started. The modern humans looked so innocent and familiar. I felt home and normal once again.

The rest of the way to the castle was short and I wad there in no yime. It looked more scary up close than in the distance. The dark bricks looked stiff, rigid and as if there were secrets hidden in each if them. In the bottom middle of the wall stood the gigantic wooden door. In front of it stood two vampires dressed up in dark red, one had a bright red shade of hair and blazing orange eyes, the other had slicked black hair and glowing yellow eyes. They stopped me.

" Hey, my name is Evelan, Princess of light, daughter of Fiona and Simon. I have come to speak with King James," I said.

They sniffed me awkwardly to make sure.

"Right this way," the one with the red hair said.

I smiled and followed him. He opened the gate revealing the most beautiful scene I had seen. Green trees were scattered everywhere, flowers of every single colour coated the neatly trimmed lawn and a magnificent mermaid fountain stood right in the middle of the yard.

" Wow!" I gasped.

" Yeah, I know," the red haired young man said.

"What is your name? " I asked curiously.

" Um it's Simon," he said smiling. I smiled back.

" My dad's name was Simon," I said.

" King of the Light?" He asked.

" Yeah,"

" Well it's a pity the Darkness have stolen his throne and crushed the revolution," he said.

I looked at him surprised.

" You knew about that?"

"Yes, a few years back King Marcus- the new Dark King- asked us to join him to increase his power, but since King James treasured his friendship with you so much he rejected the offer. It was quite noble of him since the king offered him full support and unity with the binders. James really can't stand that guy," he said chuckling.

I started laughing too, until we reached a giant door in the middle of the large room we were now in.

" Throne room is through these doors, it was nice meeting you Princess," he said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

" Thanks for all the helping me," I smiled.

The doorknob felt cold in my hand. I slowly turned it and pushed the doors. I stood in shock. The room was massive. There were giant crystal chandeliers hanging from the room like tear drops. The walls were covered in magnificent paintings, in the center of the floor was a bright red carpet which streched till it reach the jeweled throne, and on the throne sat my best friend James.

I walked up to him cautiously and bowed mockingly.

" Oh King James, your wonderful, majestical Majesty. I have a huge problem that can only be solved by a wise man like you."

Soon I burst out laughing, and so did he.

" Hey Eve, what brings you here?" He asked.

" Well Aaron is actually working with his father, and he betrayed me," I said knowing that he could not possibly have known the little secret Aaron was keeping.

His face fell.

" I thought he hated his father as much as I did. I thought he was trying to keep you and the revolution safe," he said angrily.

" I thought so too," I said.

" What's the plan? We will not let them get away with this," he said.

I thought hard.

"Well, we need to stop his father before he does," I said determined for my revenge against Aaron. I refused to give him the satisfaction of defeating his father.

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