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It was another day at the hospital. School was rancid as usual, but coming here always made my gloomy days filled with rainy clouds turn luminous. And, it was mainly because of a cancer patient whom I visited on a regular basis while here. He goes by the name of---. 

"Safaree!" a deep voice cheered from behind me. I smiled, my heart beating out of my chest three times per second. Butterflies escaped from their cacoons within my stomach as my knitted beanie was slowly pulled from my head. "Safareeee," the voice that belonged to the love of my life rang in my ears. I finally faced him, seeing his radiant smile. "H-H-Hey, Daniel," I smiled, my palms becoming sweaty. "Nice beanie," he spoke while running his fingers against the soft material that made my beanie. "Thanks," I smiled as he gave it back to me. I placed it back onto my head before asking him if it looked okay. He adjusted my beanie, his body entering my personal space. I began to shake in nervousness as he glimpsed into my eyes. "It looks fine now," he smiled again before we began to walk down the hospital hall.

We walked alongside each other, Daniel bringing along the pole with wheels that held his IV bags which were connected to the small tubes going into his arm. "How was school?" he asked. "It was fine," I lied, feeling sick to my stomach because of it. "How was today?" I asked him. He half shrugged. "It was okay. I feel kind of better today," he smiled slightly. "That's good!" I cheered. "Yeah... I can tell it's time to go though," he spoke. "What do you mean?" I asked. He looked into my eyes before shaking his head. "Never mind," he simply replied as we entered his room. He closed the door behind us before I helped him lay back down. I could feel his eyes on me. 

My eyes eventually met his. "What?" I asked, feeling heat rising to my cheeks. "Thanks for taking care of me, Safaree," he sincerely spoke. "Oh, I didn't take care of you," I bashfully spoke while taking a seat next to his bed and putting my backpack in the seat next to me. "I love how modest you are," he smiled slightly. I blushed, my heart beating like 808 drums and bass drums. "I want to show you something," he spoke before going into a drawer in the nightstand that stood on the opposite side of the bed. He brought out a small black box. 

"This box is very special to me, Safaree, and when I die... I want you to have it, and hopefully you'll give me something in return," he spoke as I stared at the box. I looked into his brown eyes. "Seriously?" I asked. "Yeah," he nodded... "But, promise me that you will not open this box until I'm gone, okay?" he spoke. "I promise, Daniel. Cross my heart," I placed my hand over my heart. He let me have another one of his warm smiles with a slight laugh. He reached over toward his nightstand and grabbed something. "Here... I'll let you have the key," he spoke as I held out my hand.

I was shaking at the fact that we were about to come in physical contact... I know I'm a dork when I'm around Daniel, but he never really seems to catch me when I'm secretly blushing to myself or smiling like an idiot or turning red when his hand bumps into mine... And when he does catch me, he gives me a look along with a warm smile... I could never tell what the look read, but... I'll figure it out eventually. 

His hand cradled mine, leaving my palm facing upward while the other hand placed the black platinum key in my hand and closed it up. Witnessing his hands against mine, made my heart flutter. "Keep this close to your heart, alright?" he looked into my eyes with both his eyebrows raising. I nodded. He looked at our hands before he took his hands from mine. My heart dropped slightly... I can't help but feel as though Daniel isn't interested in me sometimes, but it's okay... I just cherish the fact that I get to spend this much time with him. 

I didn't know where to put the key until I remembered how my necklace just so happened to break off of the chain earlier today. I reached into my backpack and pulled out the silver chain. Soon after looping the chain through the hole in the key, Daniel spoke. "Do you need some help with that?" he asked. I nodded with a shy smile. Daniel lowered the side rail of his bed before gripping the leg of my chair and pulling me toward him. I turned my back to him as he took the ends of the chain in between his fingers and placed the chain around my neck. Butterflies fluttered within my stomach at how close we were. This is the closest we've ever been to each other. I sat, twiddling my thumbs while waiting for him to tell me he was done locking the ends together. "I'm done," he finally announced before I turned forward. 

I glanced down at the key, loving the way it looked. "Close to my--." My words were stopped as I looked up into Daniel's eyes, realizing how close his face was to mine. "Heart," I finally finished what I was saying. He gazed into my eyes, his brown eyes looking more and more beautiful by the second. I ended up in a trance. I was swimming in his brown eyes as they glanced down at my lips. Before I knew it, his lips met mine and my eyelids closed. 

My palms became sweaty again, and I was suddenly jittery. I felt everything I imagined and more. I felt sparks and fireworks being ignited and exploding into wonderful outcomes. I felt everything that I believed only happened in stories and fairytales. My heart nearly bursted out of my chest as it began to beat as if a drumline were passing me. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as my insides became fuzzy and tingly. I melted as the heat within me began rising and creeping up onto my cheeks. His soft hand touched mine which was shaking slightly. Our fingers were intertwined while my other hand rested against his jawline. 

My knees grew weak as he pecked my lips three times before pulling away from me. He looked into my eyes before smiling shyly. My heart fluttered while my cheeks began to cool down. I held Daniel's hand for a bit longer before the door opened. "Safaree, your mother called. She said that you should come on home now," Nurse Vendell spoke, poking her head in. "Okay," I smiled slightly. I grabbed my backpack and put one strap of the backpack over my shoulder before looking back at Daniel with a shy smile. "Thanks for everything, Safaree," he smiled. "No problem, Daniel. But, you do know I'm going to be here tomorrow too, right?" I spoke with a slight laugh. "I know... but, I might not," he spoke. 

"What?" my eyebrows furrowed. "Daniel, if there's something you need to tell me, just tell m---." "So, when you leave me today... I don't want you saying goodbye. You know how I feel about the word goodbye," he spoke, taking my hand into his. "Yeah, I know... I'll see you soon, Daniel," I smiled sheepishly. "Yeah... I'll see you soon too, Safaree," he nodded with a slight smile. I bent down and hugged his torso as he hugged me as tight as he could. I took a final look at him before taking my beanie from my head. I handed it to him with a bashful smile. He smiled back at me and graciously thanked me. With that, I left with my heart fluttering and my mind revolving all around Daniel. 

I hopped into my car and reached into my backpack for a sheet of paper and a pen. I had to write while it was fresh on my mind... While everything was still fresh on my mind...


Today was the day that marked our first kiss.

It was everything I thought it'd be and so much more. Your cocoa butter kisses, I only want more. The sparks I felt that flew every which way. And the fireworks that ka-boomed for a beautiful display. The moment before was pure bliss by itself. Me staring in your eyes, the space between us becoming less and less. Me reveling in the ocean which is your brown eyes. Swimming in your beautiful soul, your lips against mine catching me a bit by surprise. I never thought I'd feel this way, especially about you. But, I'm glad I feel this way, and have fallen for you. 

Today was the day that marked you giving me the key to your black box.

Metaphorically speaking, I hope the box is your heart. You told me not to open it until we were worlds apart. But, I don't know if I could wait that long, seeing as though I feel you're going to be here for the long haul.

I'm in denial, Daniel...

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