September 3rd
Pensacola, FL
Robert Rihmeek Williams
She ran past me and made the shot.
"You have only won one game against me this whole entire day. What's up with that Mr.Williams?"
"I'm just letting you win."
"You said that at the second game."
"Hey Meek.", Sam said walking in.
"Hey Sam."
"So this is the new gym teacher?"
"Yeah. Nicki this is Sam. Sam that's Nicki."
I sat down on the floor and took out my phone.
"How's Maria?", Sam asked."
"Good. Hair is getting longer. She won't let me cut it."
"You're doing good with that though. I have trouble doing my sisters hair."
"I gotta find something to do with Maria."
"You always doing this shit...Yes I'm mad. You were supposed to get a plane ticket for her too...Alright. I got her.", Nicki said on the phone.
"You okay?", I asked.
"Just my ignorant mother. Nothing new."
"What school your girl go to?"
"I wouldn't be surprised if our kids were best friends."
The bell rung and Sam helped me up. I walked to the office and got everything of mine.
"Let me walk you to your car.", I said.
"Gentlemen I see."
"Once thing I can say, my mom raised me right."
"I can tell."
I locked the office door then walked out the gym.
"Meek! Catch!"
A boy threw a football at me and I caught it. I threw it back and they all ran after it.
"They really like you?"
"You can say that. I'm not strict. I let them have fun. They sit down in a classroom for about an hour and a half and just learn. I'm not like that. Not saying I'm not strict. I just let them have fun. I've helped a lot of these kids."
"How long you been here?"
"7 years. I was supposed to be transferred a lot but I never left. These kids need me."
"Mr.Williams. Ms.Maraj. How was she?", the assistant principal asked.
"The kids love her already.", I said smiling.
"Good. We don't need another teacher running out of here."
"I wouldn't let them kids do that."
"Have a good day Ms.Maraj and tell me if Meek is flirty with you.", he said.
"I will. Have a good day.", she said.
"So you're flirty?", she asked once we walked out.
"Yes. I haven't had sex in 8 years."
"A man can last that long? Damn."
"You would be surprised."
We walked to her car and I realized I parked beside her.

Teachers Love
FanfictionNicki is the new girl gym teacher at Pensacola High School with Meek. Will they just be partners or will they date?