November 24th
Queens, NY
Robert "Meek" Williams
"Hey Meek, can you hold Liyah while I go to the bathroom?", Nicki asked and I nodded.
She gave her to me and I placed Liyah on my knees.
"Hey pretty mama."
She smiled at me then started blowing spit bubbles.
"Definitely something I don't miss when Maria was a baby.", I said to myself.
I wiped her mouth and leaned her against my arm and pulled out my phone. She tried to get it and I chuckled.
"You can't get this babygirl."
She started crying and I put my phone away.
"Aw baby. Its okay."
I put her on my shoulder and pat her back. She turned her head, looking at me and smiled.
"I'm back. Aw, she's smiling at you.", Nicki said.
She went to grab her but Liyah held on tightly to my shirt.
"Well then. Looks like someone likes you.", Jamie said.
"I can't wait to have another one."
She looked at me smiling and I nodded. By 11 pm, everybody was gone but my boys and some of NIcki's family.
"I just put babygirl to sleep. Here you go.", I told Jamie.
She took Liyah and put her in the portable crib.
"You need help with anything?", I asked my mom.
"No Meek. You & Nicki can go talk about my future grandchild."
Nicki giggled and I chuckled.
"We'll be upstairs if you need us."
"Don't do anything in that room! They are not soundproof!", Carol yelled and we laughed.
I grabbed her hand and we went upstairs, to the room. I walked in behind her and closed the door. I sat next to her on the bed and she looked at me.
"I'm ready for another baby Rihmeek. Its been years since I had one. When I was caring for Liyah, it made me realize I wanted another one."
"I want another one too, with you. I don't want to have any other kids with anybody else, except you."
"I want another girl.", she said and I shook my head.
"Nah. I want you to have a boy so he can be fly like his daddy."
"So when can we start working on this second baby?", she asked biting her lip.
"When we get back home. I promise you that."
"I can't wait."
"Me either babygirl. Me either."
Onika "Nicki" Maraj
3 Weeks Later
I walked out the bathroom with another negative pregnancy test and Meek sighed.
"Its not working Meek. Is this a sign telling me I shouldn't have anymore children?"
Meek pulled me down and sat him on his lap.
"No baby. Maybe right now isn't the right time. All we have to do is keep on trying and I promise we'll get our baby in there.", I said pointing to her stomach.
"I'm taking today off. Tell the kids I said hey.", she said and I nodded.
I kissed her forehead and walked out the room. Chapo ran past me down the steps and I chuckled, shaking my head. I walked out the house, locked the door, and b in my car.
"I'm glad break is over. We missed you.", one of the kids said.
"Wish I could say the same.", I joked.
They had hurt on their faces and I laughed.
"I'm kidding. I missed you guys too. Annoying asses."
"Where's Ms. Nicki?", a girl asked.
"She stayed home for today."
"Was the test negative?"
I sighed and nodded then sat down.
"Sadly it was. We might take a break from trying for a little while. Wait, why am I having this conversation with y'all?"
"Cause you're just that comfortable with us. Its amazing."
You know what else is about to be amazing? Watch y'all run these 3 laps around this gym. 3 laps! No walking or I'm taking off points!"
I watched them run the laps then checkup on Nicki.
You alright?
Yeah, I will be. Just sad.
Give it time. It'll happen when it happens.
I put my phone back in my pocket and leaned back in the chair.
"Y'all can do what you want since today's a half day."
Some of them walked over to me and the other just talked or played basketball.
"How's India and Maria?", one of them asked.
"They're good. Spoiled, but good."
"When can we see them again? We miss them."
"When they get a off day. I'll think about it."
Onika "Nicki" Maraj
I opened the door for Sherika then went in the living room.
"Negative again?", she asked and I nodded.
"You already know your situation Nika. Have you told Meek?"
I shook my head and she sighed.
"You need to tell him. I guess when you had that one night stand with him, it was a granted wish. You have to keep trying Onika."
"3 times in a row Rika. 3."
"And what about the people who can't have kids at all? They pray and hope for a miracle but they know they can't have one. You're lucky your situation wasn't serious."
"Yeah I know. I just want to have 3 kids in total and after that, I'll be happy."
"Just keep trying and don't give up just yet. I still have hope for you."
"Keep that hope because I really don't have that much left."
She hugged me and I cried on her shoulder.
"I just want another kid Rika. I don't care if its my last one. I just want one more."
"If this last time doesn't work, have you guys ever considered adopting?"
"We thought about adopting after this baby but I think we might just have to adopt."
"Try one more time and tell him."
"I will."
"I'm not playing with you Onika!", she yelled walking out.
I giggled and watched Chapo jump on the couch. I grabbed my phone and started texting Meek.
When you get home, we have to talk.
What you think she has to tell Meek?
Here y'all go
Hope y'all liked it
Excuse any errors
-Gabby Out

Teachers Love
FanfictionNicki is the new girl gym teacher at Pensacola High School with Meek. Will they just be partners or will they date?