December 24th
Pensacola, FL
Onika "Nicki" Maraj
"Meek, come get this dog!", I yelled.
"What he doing?", Meek asked walking in the kitchen.
"Checking the floor every 5 minutes to see if I dropped anything."
"Aight, go to bed Chap."
We watched Chapo walk away but he plopped down in the living room.
"He about to be homeless."
"Hm, you said that months ago and he's still here."
I'm cooking for Christmas which is tomorrow and our moms and my cousin, Jamie, are coming tonight.
"Have you talked to Na lately?", I asked.
"Yeah, I talked to her a couple days ago. I think she's coming with my mom.", he said and I nodded.
"We're home!", the girls yelled.
I finished up the macaroni and cut the stove off and saw the girls walking in.
"Nope, go wash y'alls hands.", I said.
I put aluminum foil on all the food and put it in the refrigerator.
"All this cooking made me exhausted. Hi Na!"
I gave her a hug and she kissed my cheek.
"Congratulations on the baby."
She started rubbing my stomach and I smiled.
"Thank you. I'm surprised Meek isn't rubbing my stomach right now."
"Oh I will."
I smiled and watched him walk out the house.
"Mommy, Chapo needs to go outside.", India said and I nodded.
"Come on Chap."
We all walked out the door and saw Meek leaning against his car, looking at things.
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. "Well, I'm going to get going. See you later."
I hugged her again and watched her get in her car.
"Of course you would be looking sexy.", I said.
I bit my lip and he smirked.
"Ima fuck yo little pregnant ass up if you keep playing."
"Who said I was playing?", I asked softly.
He bent down to kiss me and I deepened it.
"Oh yeah, I got yo ass tonight. Be ready."
He winked at me and I blushed, walking back in the house.
"This dog gone get hit by a car one day, I swear. Chapo!", I heard Meek say.
Walking back in the house, I saw the kids eating and I went in the living room.
"Mommy, is Santa coming tonight?", Maria asked.
Meek looked at me and sat down next to me.
"I wish I could tell these kids the truth.", Meek said and I shook my head.
"My mom didn't tell me until I was 10 so, no."
I looked back at them and I nodded.
"Yes he's coming so that means you guys have to go to sleep early tonight.", Meek said.
I shook my head and Meek was laughing. He started rubbing my stomach and I laid back and closed my eyes.
"I want a boy.", Meek said.
"Me too. 2 girls is enough."
I looked at saw Chapo laying at my feet and I smiled.
"Bad ass dog.", Meek mumbled.
"Say I'm not bad, you're just mean to me."
"What time am I picking up your peoples?", he asked.
I looked at the time and it said 1:35 pm.
"Leave here around 2:30.", I said and he nodded.
"Can we get a quickie in?"
I looked at the kids seeing that they were on their tablets and I nodded, biting my lip.
"Damn you Meek.", I said and he laughed.
"You wanted it. Freaky ass."
We laughed and I watched him start getting dressed.
"You want anything while I'm out? I'm not going back out until later tonight."
"Get me something sweet. I'm craving fruit.", I said and he nodded.
"Thank you baby daddy."
"No, I'm your man, not your baby daddy. Say it with me. Boyfriend. B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D. Got it?"
I busted out laughing and he started shaking his head, smiling.
"You a mess yo."
"But you love me."
"I do."
I smiled and he pecked my lips.
"I'll call you when I get there."
"Alright, be safe. Don't kill my family Meek!"
"I won't!"
I followed him down the stairs and I saw the girls playing with Chapo in the living room.
"Alright girls, I'm about to go. Give daddy a hug.", Meek said.
They both ran up and give him a hug and I smiled.
"Behave. If I find out y'all aren't behaving, you two are going to be on punishment. Do you understand me?"
"Yes.", they both said.
"Good, I love you guys."
"Love you too daddy!"
I walked up to him and he kissed me.
"Be safe baby."
"I will."
We watched him walk out the house and Chapo started whining.
"He'll be back baby.", I said petting him.
He ran in the living room and I closed the door.
"Mom, can we get another dog?", Maria asked.
"You're trying to get my killed by your father.", I said and they laughed.
"Daddy won't kill you, he loves you too much.", India said.
"Yes he does and I love him too."
"Do you love us too?", they asked.
"I love you guys and your daddy more than anything."
I kissed their foreheads and we all had fun until Meek came back.
Excuse any Errors
-Gabby Out 💗

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FanfictionNicki is the new girl gym teacher at Pensacola High School with Meek. Will they just be partners or will they date?