I helped India out her booster seat and picked her up.
"You're too big too be picked up girl."
She laughed lightly and I put her down. I grabbed the girls hands and knocked on the door.
"Onika! My beautiful daughter."
I hugged my mom and the girls hugged her legs.
"India looks more like you everyday."
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"Hello Maria. Nice to see you again. Where's Meek?"
"I'm here mama. Just had to get the bags.", Meek said.
We all walked in the house and mama Kathy walked around the corner.
"You guys are here! One big happy family."
"Grandma!", the girls yelled.
Meek sat the bags down and wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Yep. One big happy family.", he said.
He kissed me and I smiled.
"Mommy, are we going to see grandma Kathy today?", India asked.
"She's on her way with Na, Tweet, & Denim.", Meek said.
"Girls, you go and play while the adults talk.", Carol said.
"But I want to be by mommy.", Maria said.
I smiled and kneeled down to her level.
"When we're done talking, you and I can play together. Deal?"
I nodded and she ran into the living room. Meek & I sat down next to each other and my parents sat down across from us.
"So I see little Maria got another name for you Nika.", Carol said.
"Yeah, she's been calling me that for awhile now. It caught me off guard, but I'm glad she felt comfortable around me and that she's comfortable to call me that."
"I was surprised too. I didn't know how she was going to respond to it.", Meek said and I smiled.