2 : Strong

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My alarm rang, I got up making sure Etu didn't wake up so I could shower. 

I quickly washed and put on simple makeup with red lipstick, a striped black and white shirt with high waisted shorts putting my hair up in a tight neat bun. I heard Etu stir in his crib, damn. I looked at the clock, 6:30 am. Okay, I still have time. My phone rang, "Hello?" 

"Sorry, but I won't be able to take care of Etu today..." HyeJin, my high school neighbor and babysitter.

"Really?" I bit my lip. "There's no way at all?" 

"No, my family and I are going to Busan to visit my grandma, I'm sorry. I wish I could, but it's urgent." She said nervously. 

"No, no. It's okay. I'll find a way, thank you for your hard work anyways," I smiled bitterly. 

"I'm sorry, I have to go. I'll take care of him next weekend for sure!" 

"Thank you, I'll let you know if I need you again. Thank you Hye Jin-ah. Love you, you have been a big help." 

"Your welcome, see you next week." 

I sighed, "See you." I hung up. 

Etu began to cry, what am I going to do with you? I groaned, this is my first day at work and I can't miss or be late! I paced back and forth across the living room, what do I do? What do I do? Oh my gosh! I'm going crazy! He kept crying, I went to him and patted him slowly on his tummy humming a song. His eyes began to shut again, "You're so lazy" I chuckled softly. 

After years of thinking, "Looks like i'll be taking you to work with me," I bathed him and put on his clothes while he stayed asleep, "You're weird, how can you still be asleep?" I laid him down on the bed as I prepared his bottles and diaper bag. "Let's pray I don't get kicked out..." 

"Let's go baby," I picked him up throwing a blanket over him and balanced both my bags and his on my shoulder.

I walked to the Olympic Gymnastics Arena, I was greeted by everyone. "Hello, work hard!" 

I only nodded and smiled, I got to the make up room. I groaned as I set down my bags and brought two chairs together to lay him down in. I looked at him as he snored quietly. "Why must you look like him?" 

"Like who? Me?" Taeyang whispered behind me. 

"Hey Oppa!" I whispered loudly and hugged him. 

"Ah, so this is the one you've been carrying in your belly?" He said going over to sleeping Etu, 

"Yup, that's the one." I sighed. 

"Sorry, we couldn't be there.. you know.. touring." He rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"No, I get you. It's fine, you didn't miss much." I chuckled. I looked around, it was pretty empty except for the running of the stage manager and producer and stylists. "Where's the rest?" 

"They're coming, Ji Yong got stuck with the Director clearing up last minute stage things for his solo." He stared at Etu and massaged his little fat fingers. He just stirred in his blanket. "How old is he?" 

"Five months." I sat down on the chair and began to take out the makeup from my desk. "We should get started, by the time I finish with you and everyone.. it's going to be a hassle." 

"HEY EVERYONE! LET'S WORK HARD TODAY!" Seungri yelled walking in. 

I immediately turned to Etu, he shuffled and began to cry. Seungri jumped, "There's a baby in here?!!!" 

"Oh my god be quiet!" Taeyang scolded, picking up Etu and bouncing him softly soothing him. 

I chuckled at the sight, "You're going to be a great Appa (Dad) you know?" 

"Oh my god! Hye Jeong!" Seungri whispered intensely and ran to give me a hug. 

"Hi Oppa," He rocked me left and right roughly. "You missed me that much?" 

"Yes!" He pouted letting me go.

"Ah, jinjja? (Seriously)" I teased. 

"Wow, you're finally learning Korean, good for you." He teased. 

I rolled my eyes, I brought out my arms to Tae Yang, "Give him to me, I got it, Sit down so I can start on your makeup." 

"No, no. I got it, One day I will also hold a baby in my arms might as well start now." He smiled down at Etu. Etu stopped crying, cooed and stared at him smiling. "He smiled at me, he probably likes me." 

"Hurry up and have your own so you don't hog mine." I laughed. He sat down and I began to put on a sheet mask for him to hydrate his face. Etu didn't like the look of it and cried again. "Aish! You're ugly now." Seungri tsked and took Etu from Tae Yang, shushing Etu softly. 

"Do I hear a baby or is it just Seungri?" G Dragon said coming in with dark circles shuffling his hair annoyed. 

"That's just an insult to your baby," Tae Yang said laughing. 

"Yah! Yongie!" I pouted. He immediately turned around and his eyes went wide. 

"Oh my god! When did you get hear? Where? How? Why?" He said walking over to me and hugging me. "That's yours?" He pointed to the baby. I nodded smiling. "Hi baby, I'm sorry that I compared you to this ugly ahjussi (old man)." He cooed holding Etu's hand, he laughed. "See? Even he thinks your ugly." G dragon teased. "Mind If I hold him?" He asked. I shook my head, "Go for it, but make sure Mia doesn't see.. she'll probably kick me out for bringing my baby here." I bit my lip. GD gave the okay sign and tried to take Etu but Seungri pushed him away. 

"No way! I barely held him!" Seungri yelled. 

"I want to hold him too!" GD yelled back. 

"Oh my god! Stop yelling do you know what time it is?" Daesung said frustrated with TOP behind him on his phone, giggling about something. 

"He started it!" Seungri and GD said at the same time. TOP looked up and saw me, I waved. 

"Aigoo! It's our little sister!" He said smiling and the baby laughed at his voice. "Oh." He said looking at him, "Seungri-ah, did you finally manage to get a girl pregnant?" He scolded. 

"Ani! (No) It's hers!" He pointed at me. 

"OMO! (Oh my gosh) you had sex?! Since when?! With who?!" He said scrunching his face. 

"Yeah, with who?" They all looked at me. Dae sung groaned and left the room. 

"No one of your business, hurry up and do what you have to do.. I have to do my job now." 

"But, where is he?" Tae Yang said angry. As he sat up straight looking at me. 

"It's none of your guys' business... please, let me do my job." I pleaded, my voice breaking. 

GD came and hugged me, "Mianhae (I'm sorry) my little princess, I'll break his face when I see him." 

I pushed him off gently, "No, it's okay Oppa. Seriously, I'm fine... I can do this on my own." 

"You don't have to be alone, you have us you know?" They smiled. 

I laughed as they changed their smiles to goofy faces, "Thank you, really. I'll let you know." I clapped my hands, "Let's do this." I looked around, "Where's Daesung?" 

They all looked at each other, "Listen, he's still a little... you know? About the whole break up thing." Tae Yang said. 

"That was years ago..." I pouted. 

"You're telling us... he hasn't forgotten about you... you know?" GD added. 

"I know what you guys are doing... and no. I have a child now, i'm not going to be chasing guys, I have a responsibility." I sighed, looking at TOP and Seungri play with Etu, as he looked at them in wonder and laughed. "I'm not a trainee anymore, I can't just do what I want anymore without thinking about consequences." I sighed. 

I love you my baby, with or without a dad. 

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