#9: Not your Place

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"You have her contact information, don't you? He had to have put it." I stared at Taemin. He just stared at me with wide eyes.

"No. Don't do this Jong in. Leave her alone, please. You made a decision to leave when you found out." His expression growing with rage.

"Taemin, please. You know I didn't mean to leave her." Tears were threatening to spill out, I was desperate. This can't be him. This can't. He looks so much like me but, so much like her at the same time. Our family. It was suppose to be just us, what happened?

His nostrils flared, "JONG IN, NO. Don't confuse the boy, you have your own family now, remember that."

I sighed, "He's part of my family too."

Taemin ran his fingers through his hair, "Call her then."


I woke up to my phone ringing, it was 3 AM. Who could be calling me at this time? Damn it.

"Hello?" I answered. I heard breathing on the other side. "Hello?" I repeated. "If you're not going to-"

"Hi." My body instantly froze. NO, NO, NO. Not him. I'm dreaming, i'm dreaming. "I saw him."

FUCK. I cleared my throat, "And?" I tried to make sure my voice was as cold as possible. Again, I tried.

"Can I meet him?"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT." I yelled, remembering Etu was sleeping in the other room, I sighed. "No, you cannot see him. I told you to leave us alone. You ran away when I told you. I was in High School! HIGH SCHOOL, JONG IN. H-I-G-H S-C-H-O-O-L. You have no place to come in here out of nowhere and ask to see him. You have done nothing for him. Not one thing, I provided for him and I did everything for him, you do not get this chance. You blew it for 17 years. You had 17 years to see him and you didn't. 17 years to provide for him and you didn't. So no. You cannot meet him." I hung up.

I didn't even realize I wasn't breathing. I gasped for air as I clutched my chest. I began to sob. This cannot be happening. How dare he even think that he has this right.

"I'm pregnant." I remember saying that to him over the phone. I was holding a pink plus sign in my hand. I was pacing my bathroom. I was so scared, I was still wearing my school uniform.

"And what, you think that's mine?"

CRACK. "Well.. it's not anyone else's.. I lost my virginity to you, you know that."

"Yeah but how do I know you didn't sleep with anyone else after me." His voice was laced with embarrassment. He knew it was his, he didn't want to admit it.

I sniffled and picked up my big girl pants, "Okay. I see now, Bye." I instantly hung up. Fuck him.

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