3 : Hurt

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My phone rang, "Hello?" I answered. 

"Hye jeong!" Mia yelled into the phone. 

I flinched, "Yes?" 

"Can you do me the biggest favor in the world?" 

"Uhm, yes?" 

"Can you go to Myeongdong and pick up Daesung's suit? I ordered it and I was going to pick it up but there is so much traffic right now I won't make it, can you do it for me?" 

I bit my lip and looked at Etu, "Yes. I-I-I can." I stuttered. What did I just get myself into

"Okay thank you so much! Use the company card to pay for it and get yourself a coffee or something, thank you I love you!" She hung up. 

I picked up Etu's diaper bag, "Where are you going?" Seungri asked furrowing his brows. 

"I have to go to Myeongdong to pick up Daesung's suit." I said while picking up his things ready to take him with me.

"No, leave him here with us. You do what you have to do." He smiled brightly. 

"It's not that I don't trust you guys, really... it's just that you guys will be busy with rehearsals and stuff like that you just don't have time.." He rolled his eyes, "We can do it, right guys?" They nodded. "Plus. This is our way to repay you for not  being there when you needed us." 

I waved my hands, "No.No. It's okay, really. I was the one who got pregnant at a young age while being a trainee, I knew the rules of not dating, Daesung tried to stop it, I knew and I still did it... it's okay. This is my fault,  not yours." 

"But, we still shouldn't of said those things to you..." Taeyang said quietly. 

I started to tear up at remembering the words they called me when I was kicked out of YG. The stares I got. The whispers that would follow me forever. 

"It's fine. I'm fine. I'm living nicely now, I made a decent living. Everything worked itself out." I smiled, wiping a tear that came down. 

"Please... leave him here with us." He pleaded. Etu squirmed happily in Seungri's arms and cooed.

"Okay. Fine. Please, take good care of him. I'll be back!" I gave Etu a kiss and  ran out with my purse. "Jin-eonni!" She turned around, and smiled. 

"Mia called me already," She handed me the company card, "Take care of it, arasso (okay)?" 

I nodded and ran outside to find a bus. I sat down and an old lady came in with her cane she could barely walk, no one stood up to give up their seat. I scoffed, "Miss! You can sit here." I got up and gave her my seat. She smiled brightly at me, "Kamsamnida (thank you)" She grabbed my hand and patted it. 

Once I got to Myeongdong, I walked into the clothing  store, "Hello, how may I help you?" The lady greeted me. 

I bowed, "Hello. I'm here for Kang Daesung's suit, Mia ordered." 

"I'll look it up," she smiled nicely and typed in the computer, "Ah. Here it is," She went to the back and gave me the suit in it's bag with the company logo printed in the front. I handed her the card, she swiped it and I signed the receipt heading out after saying a quick thank you I headed out. My stomach growled at the smell of the street food. I didn't eat breakfast, did I? 

I decided to go into my favorite coffee shop that I used to go to as a trainee. I walked in and immediately smelled coffee. I smiled remembering my old days, even though it hasn't been that long it's only been a year... I sighed. I went up to the counter and ordered my usual sitting down at my old seat that faced the busy streets and stores. I put the suit down and looked out the window, then someone sat next to me. He cleared his throat.

"Long time no see, huh?" He flashed the smile that gorgeous smile that used to my heart burst. Now, that smile passed down to his son.

"Yeah," I said coldly. Not wanting to look at him. 

"How have you been?" He looked nervous, his voice shaking.

"Good." I lied. 

After he saw that I wasn't going to continue the conversation, he added, "You know, I've been coming here for the past year hoping I'd see you again." He chuckled playing with his fingers. 

"Ah, I see." 

He sighed sadly, "I'm sorry." He said suddenly. 

My blood boiled at those words, I looked at him and narrowed my eyes, "You're sorry? You're sorry?! You left me... you hurt me. You told me you loved me and that we would be together forever, and then you just... left? Like we never loved each other, like we never spent days and nights laughing and smiling, and that's all you can say? .. is sorry? You left me to die. do you have any idea how many days i've cried? How many nights I didnt eat? But, What exactly are you sorry for? Sorry for fucking me and then leaving me the next day pretending you never knew me? or are you sorry for making me believe you actually loved me? or are you sorry for wasting my time and ruining my career?" Everything came out. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I glared at him. He sniffled, eyes bright red with tears. 

"I loved you. I gave everything to you. but, why can't I hate you? Why can't I say those words to you? Why do I still look at you and fall in love with you all over again? Why?!" I began to cry. All the feelings I've been keeping inside, everything I've been wanting to say came out. 

"I'm sorry for doing this to you." He got up and kissed my forehead, sobbing.. tears fell, his breath tickling my skin "I never meant for this to happen, I never meant to hurt you, I only wanted to love you. That night, I realized I wasn't made for you. You deserved better than me." He whispered his lips still pressed against my skin. 

"That wasn't your decision to make Kim Jongin." 

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