#8: History

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After the auditions were finished, I couldn't stop thinking about him. He had my face, and her ridiculous smile where dimples met his cheeks when he smiled.. just like her. I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay. Why didn't she tell me about him?" I looked at Taemin. He knew everything there was to know about me and anyone, he was the real gossiper in this company.

"There was nothing to tell bro. You left her remember? She had no reason to tell you about her life, I mean can you blame her?" He gave a lopsided smile and patted my back. "Come on inside. It's cold outside."

Something popped into my mind, "When's his birthday?"

Taemin's eyes also popped open, he knitted his eyebrows together wondering the same question. But, then he remembered he had his paperwork in front of him. "April 5th." He blurted.

I sat down, my legs feeling weak. I grabbed my hair and yelled, I didn't know what to do in this situation. My first love... had a baby, MY baby, she didn't tell me... and I left her alone. The day we met, was the first time i've heard of him. Why didn't I stay? Why didn't she stay? Why didn't we fight for our love? Everything felt real now that I saw his face. Exactly like mine, but still hers at the same time. Taemin sat next to me and didn't say a word. I layed my head on his shoulder and cried. "I'm a horrible person. I deserve to die. How he must have lived looking for me... How he must feel knowing i'm up here and him... he's.. well, well off too but there was a struggle."

"Hey, don't think that way. She did everything she could to be the best mother she could be given her situation, but look at her she's successful now thanks to her son that motivation, although she could of been a judge with us if that wouldn't of happened and who knows maybe the greatest dancer of all of us. Remember she would sneak out to street dance competitions?" He chuckled lightly.

"I fell in love with her then, didn't I? I was mad because she beat me that time. I wanted to get her back so I followed her and she joined them, if I wasn't there who knows what would have happened," I laughed remembering the time she got herself in trouble because she won but the others couldn't recognize that they were beat by a girl so they tried to gang up on her. If I hadn't stepped in .. who knows. but then if I wouldn't of stepped into her life, she wouldn't of had a baby so early... or gotten kicked out of the company she worked her ass off to get into. "Things happen when I come into someone's life."

"Maybe, talk to her?"

I scoffed, "That's a death wish, my friend. I want to get to know him though. He made it to the list right?" I said in a daze. My head is so foggy, I don't know what i'm thinking anymore."


I sat on the couch waiting for Etu to come home from his auditions. I looked at the clock, 5 PM. He left at 6 AM. Where could he be? I got up and began to pace the living room. Did he find out? I groaned, please no. please no.

To ease my stress I looked at the baby pictures, how easy he was to raise. Not a problem, thanks to the help of BIGBANG also without them.. who knows. I chuckled to myself, the moments GD couldn't change a diaper and I left him to babysit for 30 minutes while I went to the store for milk.

Something caught my eye, my book. I grabbed it and sat on the floor. I opened it, as hard as it was.. I had to do this. The first page, "I met a boy today, he dances amazing.."

second page, "he looked at me today... what should I do? should i tell him that I also dance? But.. he's better than me. maybe not."

third page, "he's in SM... maybe if I audition I could get in as well and then I could see him everyday."


page thirty, "I got in YG! after being rejected by SM. it's not what i imagined but.. it works. we'll see each other soon."


page one hundred, "I met him. We went on our first date, we talked for hours. He told me he liked me."

"MOM! I'm home." The door slammed.

I jumped. "Hey, what's up? How'd it go?"


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