Down the Rabbit Hole

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"Do I have to drink it?" I questioned, eyeing the blue liquid distastefully. I was pretty crazy, and I was into many different types of animes and mangas, but to dream about Alice in Wonderland? I think I'm turning a little bit insane, and not the good kind of insane either. " might be poisoned, you might be trying to poison me!"

"I would do no such thing to an outsider like thee, but if you refuse much longer this potion I hold, then I'm afraid I will have to stoop to a much lower degree. Please, drink this, and come to Wonderland with me! I swear that nothing in this potion is amiss!"

I frowned and made a face at the tall red-eyed man, who might I mention, had rabbit ears and white hair, despite being in his twenties. At least, he looked like he was in his twenties. I think he was in his twenties...I could be wrong though. It took me a moment to figure what he meant by stopping to a lower degree, and I asked, "What; you'd force me to drink it?" He nodded with a smile, and I reluctantly grabbed the bottle. I really didn't want to drink it. "What's going to happen to me if I drink it?" I felt a small twinge of fear as I stared at the blue liquid in the clear vial. There was a heart on top of it.

"To play the game you must remain, but to win or lose is up to you, and what you choose to do."

Why does he keep rhyming? I wondered, but couldn't disagree with the fact that it was actually highly amusing. I liked rhyming-it makes me giggle. However, I refuse to laugh as this situation was a little...serious. Or at the very most weird. I know weird, my friends are weird, I'mweird... Slowly reaching a hand up, I uncapped the vial, ignoring the man's huge happy smile. I don't want to do this... Ugh, what if it tastes like that cherry cough medicine? I made a face and hesitantly sniffed it, seeing if it smelled bad or not. It didn't smell-it didn't even have a smell. It was just a blue liquid. "Is this water or something?"

"That is the Potion of Clover, and it shall help me bring you over!" I'm beginning to think that he's running out of rhymes...That or my imagination is just failing me.

"Okay, just one more question..." I said and looked up at him, cursing myself for being so short as I looked at the really tall man, "If I drink this I'm not really going to die, right? I-I'll just wake up?"

"This is no dream, but I can assure you that you shall live." Wow. He didn't rhyme. Guess even had has his moments of failure. I sighed, really really not wanting to drink this thing, but I held it up to my lips and swallowed. "Drink all of it, or the game won't be here for you play."

If I die, I'm shooting that rabbit in the afterlife, I thought, swallowing, before coughing as part of it went down the wrong hole. I held a hand up to my mouth as I coughed, but the man merely grinned.

"Welcome to Wonderland, Alexis. The country of Clover, the forest, where surely you now do persist."

...His rhyming makes me laugh, but I don't really like what he's telling me... I wish Sarah and Jack were here... I could always go to them for advice-when I did, which was rare. They usually came to me for advice, while I just kept my problems bottled up and to myself, ranting only in my head and talking to myself until I managed to comfort myself and get rid of all the doubt, all the worries and the fears...

But I had a feeling that I really, really shouldn't have drunken that potion...but even if I refused to, he was going to force me. I could see it in his eyes. Plus, a rhyming Bunny Rabbit never lies. I've had plenty of weird dreams to know that much. Though, in all honesty, I doubted this was a dream...

Oh, god, this better not be a dream-inside-a-dream thing where you wake up inside the dream only to later discover that you really were dreaming and you wake up again and it turns out that was a dream as well! I hated dreamception. So many nice and scary dreams at once...Ugh. Wait, where'd the rabbit go? I looked around in confusion, not understanding what was happening.

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