Lost Items

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I yawned, snuggling closer to the warm object that was cuddling me. I mumbled something and rubbed my head against the firm chest that I was using as a pillow, arms wrapped around the object's waist. Something tightened around my lower back and felt myself get pressed closer, something muttering softly in my ear. "Mmm...shut up. I dun wanna get up..." Something nibbled on my ear and I thought nothing of it, though my nose did scrunch up in confusion. The nibbling stopped, and instead something soft pressed against my forehead. Then my nose. Then it pressed against my lips. I pulled my head back and groaned, mumbling for the thing to let me sleep as I buried my face in the crook of it's neck.

I just wanted to sleep. I was really tired for some reason. I blamed it on all the shopping Vivaldi made me do. Crazy...woman... I started to drift off again,but instantly woke up when a shock went down my spine, something licking and biting my neck.

Wait...pillows didn't have arms, or waists, or even a neck...

Pierce's ear twitched as he pulled away, putting his face right in front of my mine with a lazy smile. My face flared, noticing how cute that smile was. "Morning..." His grip on me tightened and I froze, realizing the compromising position we were in.

Oh, hell no...

"C-Can-Can you-Can you let go of me, please?" I asked, pulling my arms away as fast as I could and trying to push him off of me. "Like, now?"

"Mmm...Still sleepy..."

"I-If you're sleepy, then go back to sleep! D-Don't keep molesting me!"

His tired green eyes opened and I froze as his breath brushed my face. "B-But...you're so warm and yummy..." His eyes darkened a little, appearing a little more animalistic than before. I pushed harder on his shoulders, trying to get a good amount of distance between us. I squeaked in alarm when he suddenly pulled me to him again, his lips tickling my left ear. "I won't let anyone else have you..." I tensed, eyes growing wide as he bit my ear. My face flushed and I quickly squeaked, raising a hand up and slamming it against my ear, forcing him to pull away with a frown on his dark face.

"D-Do-Don't-Don't do that! N-Now, l-let go of me!"

"No..." Alarm flashed through my face when he suddenly moved-faster than I could even process-and pinned me beneath him, his hands on either side of my head with his legs on either side of mine. I held my breath and watched his ears twitch again. His tail started to swish back and forth, and his eyes appeared not his own. It...scared me a little. "If I do that, you won't be mine..."

"P-Pierce...?" I asked, confused and worried. I swallowed, feeling a twinge of fear go down my spine. "What-What are you talking about?"

He tilted his head at me, his bangs falling out of his and allowing me to see both of his eyes. The normally bright and happy green now appeared soulless and...and just dark. They looked possessive. "They're trying to take you from me, Alexis...I won't let them do that. I'll play with them, okay? I won't let the scary men get you..."

I inhaled sharply and removed my gaze from his, trying to figure out what to say and get out of this position. "Uh, they're not gonna give-I-I mean take me away from-from you or-or anyone else, o-okay? So-So just-just get off of me already." His eyes gave me a bad feeling. And by bad feeling, I mean "holy shit I gotta be careful" bad feeling. His eyes...his eyes were reminiscent of Gasai Yuno's from Future Diaries. And if there was anything I knew about animes, it was their anime stereotype names. Everyone had a "stereotype" or at least something close to it. Now Pierce...

I really hoped he wasn't what I thought he was.

Suddenly a pair of hands cupped my face and turned my head forcefully, causing my eyes to widen as Pierce slammed his lips against mine. I froze as his tongue brushed against my mouth and felt my face flare red. I tried to sit up and move back, but Pierce quickly pushed me back onto the bed and laced his fingers together with mine on my right hand, pressing it against the sheets as his other hand wormed behind my head and tangled itself in my hair. As this happened, I ended up grunting and letting out a gasp as my back pressed against the soft fabric, accidentally allowing Pierce to dart his tongue into my mouth.

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