Explanations are Key

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Wow... So this was the Tower of Clover. It was huge...with so many stairs. Oh, god, am I going to have to climb up all those? Someone just-um, never mind. Already been shot. Hm, not as funny anymore. Eh, oh well. I took a deep breath, looking up at the giant stairs, and declared, "CHARGE!" Before attempting to run up the large set of stairs. Oddly, I was reminded of the academy in Soul Eater and the huge stairs they had to walk up.

In all honesty, it took me about all day to get here to the tower. It was night time already, and has been, for the past hour or two. By the time I managed to get all the way up the stairs, I was panting and out of breath. Those stairs were long. I hate stairs. Stairs are evil.

Anyway, to my surprise, the tower really did have a clover on it, which made me laugh because it meant I was correct. I pushed the huge doors open and stared, not wanting to process all the different doors I was going to have to check if I wanted to find what I suppose too, which, I believe, happened to be Nightmare himself. I still didn't understand that doctor guy's problem with Nightmare. Yeah, he's an incubus, but he's said so himself-he's not that kind of incubus.

"To the right."

"Whoa, what? Huh?" I closed the door behind me, looking around in alarm.

"Start walking forward, then go to the right. Take the stairs there and go up, before making a left."

I was about ready to make a jibe about me going crazy, when I remembered my dream.

"Follow my voice, Alexis. Go forward, and take the stairs to the right."

"I heard you the first time!" I said, and started moving forward. Turning my head when I neared an intersection, I went right and up the stairs. "How many stairs does this place have!?"

"Plenty. Now make a left." I did as told and went left, walking straight. "No, no, no, go back a few feet! Turn there!" I made a face as I had to backtrack. "Good! Now go left at your next right and go up those stairs." Oh, god, more stairs? I groaned and hung my head as I tried to follow his directions, pausing to ask as I was half-way up the stairs,

"Th-These stairs, right? It was go right, then left?"

"Yes. You're doing fine." I let out a sigh of relief. I was horrible with directions. "You seem to be following mine perfectly so far. Oh! Make a turn to that right and go forward, then open the door on your left."

I stopped walking and placed my hand on the door handle, hesitant. "Wh-What's in there?" I could almost imagine the amused smirk on Nightmare's face. The jerk.

"I'm not a jerk, I'm important. Now enter..." How very ominous, dear sir. I couldn't help but crack a grin at that and hesitantly twist the door handle, opening it. "ALEXIS! Welcome to my room!"

"Wh-Wha-? Wait," I tried to recollect myself from my surprise and stop myself from stuttering as I cried out, "you're actually real!? I'm not hallucinating?"

"Of course I'm real! What kind of question is that?"

"I-I don't know; a question!?" Nightmare was grinning at me from his spot at a small couch, a really all man with dark hair and gold eyes standing next to him and holding papers. "Wh-Where am I?"

"I told you, the Tower of Clover. You're in Wonderland, Alexis."

"I-I got that much! I meant-I meant...Just, like, um...How am I supposed to get home?" Yeah. That was a good question. A very good question. Nightmare narrowed his eye, frowning.

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