Decision Unmade, Vial Not Filled

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There was complete silence at the dinner table.


Gray spoke up calmly, eyeing Pierce with a raised eyebrow, "What has made you decide to join us for supper, Pierce?"

Pierce wrapped his arms around my neck and I scowled, feeling my face flush as he leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I'm keeping an eye on Alexis, chuu! She refused to come live with me, so I'm living here with her!" Gray's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked over at Nightmare for confirmation. Nightmare nodded, picking some noodles up with his fork. He mixed them in with his cheesy ranch sauce.

"It's true. They became a couple around two time periods ago."

Pierce beamed at the news, while I protested profusely. "W-We are-We are not a couple!" Nightmare bit into his food, raising an eyebrow at me. My face turned even darker. "Sh-Shut up! Don't look at me like that!"

"W-We're not?" Tears welled up in Pierce's eyes and I flinched, stammering as I waved my hands in front of him frantically.

"N-No! I-I mean, yes! I-I mean, we-we are b-but-but we're not? I-I don't know!" GYAH! Nightmare, help me! The Incubus smirked, thoroughly amused by everything that was happening.

"What she means to say, Pierce, is that you are a couple. She's just embarrassed about it because she's never had a boyfriend before." Pierce frowned, biting his trembling lip, before nodding slowly. He trusted Nightmare's words. He could read minds after all.

"I-I am not embarrassed!" I argued.

"Are too." Nightmare responded.

"Are not!"

"Are too~!"

"I am NOT!"

"Yes, you are!"

"GAH! Gray~! Nightmare's being mean to me!" I pointed at the older man, whining. Gray sighed and shook his head, placing his knife and fork down on his plate, before wiping his hands off with a napkin. "Help me!"

"No, help me!" Nightmare shouted, "She's not listening to me!"

I glared at him. "Why should I be listening to you? You tried to put me under house arrest!"

"I'm an adult, and it was for your own safety!"

"Didn't work, now did it?" I flinched, seeing Nightmare wince. The table grew extremely quiet and I sat back down in my chair, looking down at my hands, fiddling with my fingers. "I..." I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I wish I was able to say that out loud.

"It's fine," Nightmare said quickly, taking a drink of his water. Times like these, I liked that Nightmare was able to read minds. However, he quickly ran to the sink to spit out the water he drank, Gray having mixed in some of Nightmare's medicine when we were arguing. Nightmare coughed roughly and I sighed, completely used to these events. In all honesty, now that I think about it, even if I did go back to my world it would probably take years for me to get used to the boring life there.

School, homework, sitting on my butt all day without going on "adventures" with Ace and running for my life from the twins... Their favorite game to play with me was "hide-and-seek" which involved me running from them while they waved their weapons around. Jerks. Ace hadn't tried to kill me in a while, so that was good... Peter... Hm. I don't know about him. I do know that I needed to visit the Hatter's again; I'll ask Blood about the tea party during the next Assembly.

-the next time I see you, I want some suggestions-

I made a face, realizing that I still needed to think up of some baby names. I squeaked in alarm when blood suddenly spurted out of Nightmare's nose and mouth, splattering against the sink. He whirled around, horror written on his face. I stared at him in confusion, only to let out a sudden shout when he ran over as fast as he could and grabbed my shoulders, staring at me in terror. "You're not pregnant, are you!?"

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