Deadly Sins

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Maybe I should try to find Alice...I could talk to her. But if I tried that, I'd end up getting lost. However, I also didn't want to get beheaded by Vivaldi...

Wait, speaking about the Heart Castle, didn't Peter work there? Would he be there? I remember him saying something about being given an order to grab me...Who told him to do so? He said that someone told him to bring me here, and make me drink the potion for my sake. What made them want to bring me here? And why-just why was drinking the potion for "my sake"?

It made no sense, and my brain was hurting trying to figure it all out. Peter was ordered to grab me, but watched me for a couple of weeks before actually doing so... What made him change his mind?

As I was thinking about this, I was changing into a pair of blue shorts with a purple T-shirt, putting on my Nerd necklace. I was an anime nerd, so, obviously, the necklace made sense.

Putting on my sneakers, tying them as I hopped to the door, I couldn't help but think, I hope I don't get killed doing this... My shoes were finished being tied, so I burst out into a run towards where I believed the exit to be. It had been two time periods since the Assembly, so I was certain everyone was back in their own territories. I just hoped Peter was at the Heart Castle like I thought he was.

Now, to avoid getting killed... I was glad I took the medicine the Doctor gave me. I could hardly feel the pain in my shoulder at this point. This would make running for my life easier. As I neared the exit, I paused, walking slowly. I pulled out the vial I had in my pocket, staring at it. More liquid had accumulated since the Assembly ended. All I needed to do was interact with people... But, I'm so lazy! And awkward. And Horrible with people. I didn't want to do this. I wanted to retreat back into the room I was staying in and hide out in there for the rest of my life, but if I wanted to get home...

Ugh, conundrums. I hated them, but I always ended up finding one. Greeeaaat, just what I wanted. Time to get killed, I guess... I don't wanna die! I reluctantly opened the door and traveled down the steps, trying to figure out the way out of town so I could then find the direction Heart Castle was in. However, just as I turned my head, I caught a glimpse of a really fancy building on a hill. I felt the blood drain out of my face, my heart dropping down into my stomach when I realized how far I was going to have to walk...

It was going to take longer than ten minutes. Okay, deep breathes, I can do this. I won't get lost... I looked behind me at the doors I just closed, really really wanting to hide out in the bedroom. I was leaving my comfort zone. I just...I just needed to go in the direction the castle was in, that's all.

Which, might I add, was a red and white dot in the distance.

This was going to be fun...

I was uncomfortable. I didn't like the looks all these people were giving me, talking about me like I committed some major crime and should be put in jail for it. At one point, I grew so annoyed I couldn't help but snap, "I'm not a role-holder, damn it!" I actually cursed out loud at them, giving them all frowns. "I can hear you, you know? I do have ears! I'm not deaf!"

Their reactions to me changed so drastically, I swore that I almost got whiplash. They went from whispering hatefully at me to acting scared of me, muttering about Nightmare and the mafia, and something about Alice. A few looked surprised to see me and even pleasantly surprised, until someone mentioned I was staying at the Tower of Clover. The kids were okay with me-most of them at least, and they pointed me in the right direction to the Heart Castle when I thought I was lost. It took a bit of knocking me off my high-horse to actually ask for directions though, as I had quite a bit of pride and didn't like asking for help.

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