Knights and Mice

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I was frozen to the bone, the adult brunette in front of me completely oblivious to the fear in my eyes as he laughed obnoxiously.

"You're the little foreigner from before~! So, these bags are yours?"

"Y-yeah..." I tried not to let my voice squeak, merely staring at the taller man with a bored face. My body was stiff, however, and it was taking all I had just to relax. "I-I was coming back to grab them..."

"Aw, and here I thought you wanted to go on an adventure with me!"

Did that adventure include murdering innocent people while slashing them up with your sword? I was hesitant, having an urge to lunge forward and rip the bags out of his hands, and also having an urge to run away for my dear life. People had two instincts that took over in life-and-death situations, and those were a) fight and b) flight. I generally just go with the second choice.

"C-Can I have my bags back, please? I-I don't want Nightmare and Gray to worry..." Like they'd actually be worried about me... Well, Nightmare, maybe-maybe. Gray, I honestly have no clue about. I didn't really know the guy, as I generally just hung out with Nightmare. He seemed nice, though, and was oddly motherly...

I felt a pang, and wished that I knew my own mother, but quickly pushed that foolish thought away. She died when I was little, so it was impossible to have ever really known her.

Ace pouted at me childishly, holding both bags up in one hand. "Aw! Why?"

"Because I need them!"

"Will you go on an adventure with me if I give them to you?"


"Hm~! Then I guess I'll just keep them then~!" He smiled at me and laughed, causing annoyance to grow. He was lucky I had a high patience.

"Why keep something that doesn't belong to you? What value would they hold?" I surprised myself with how confident I sounded, but then again I was using my other persona-the me everyone knew that acted like she didn't care about anything, that wasn't scared of anything, that was so anti-social she just used sarcasm when she didn't know what else to say. The one who beat up her best guy friends because she didn't know how to show affection other than hugs, which she only used for her female friends. "So-So therefore, since the bags don't mean anything to you, you should just give them to me!"

"Eh, really? But what if I just kept the bags and killed you here? I always wanted to know what an outsider's heart would sound like when they're dying." My blood ran cold. He...He said that with such a happy face... This man was twisted beyond measure. Maybe I should have listened to Pierce... No! I'm not going to start regretting my decision now! What's done is done.

"B-Because, if you kill me, you'll be so bored without my awesome presence! Be-Besides, what use would you have with a couple of dresses? I doubt you're into cross-dressing."

The knight actually appeared thoughtful at this, holding a hand up to his chin. He burst out laughing with a huge grin on his face, tossing me the bags as I stumbled to catch them, "You're right! Hahaha! Hey, do you know the way to the castle?"

"Um..." I looked around, frowning. I didn't even know where I was. "N-Not...Not really..."

His eyes lit up as he looked down at me, making me feel incredibly short, "Oh! Are you lost, too? We can be lost together, then!" I cried out in protest when he grabbed my arm and started to drag me away.

"H-Hey! I'm not-I'm not lost! I-I just don't know where the Castle is!" Okay, I was lying, I was lost, but so was this guy! So you can't blame me for lying to him, especially since I've seen him kill people! "H-Hey! Let go of me!"

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