Chapter Sixteen / Epilouge

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A few months had passed since the mall encounter with my mom. I'd moved out of there and moved in with Carrie. One month ago, Ben introduced me to his friend, Matt, who was nice, so I was giving him a chance. I was guarding my heart because I'd been through too much so it was scary for me.

I'd been going to church with Carrie and her family. I was glad that I was a church-going girl now. Church brought me peace and joy and while I battled with depression, church helped me not stay in it, but again, it'd been a struggle.

This past Sunday, our pastor preached on forgiveness. And how if we want to be forgiven for our sins, we had to forgive others for theirs. So I called my mom and brother to meet me for lunch. He didn't do anything wrong, necessarily, but he could've been nicer and better to me. Plus I wanted both of their forgiveness, because I wasn't the best daughter.

"Hey, Emma," Mom and Mason hugged me.

"Hey, thanks for meeting me," I said. "Where's Jamie?"

"Oh, her family is on vacation," Mason said.

I nodded and we ordered food. "So listen," I started. "I'm really sorry for how I was to both of you. I should've been a better daughter and sister. I was just so jealous that you got all of this praise and got put on this pedestal for Son Of The Year and I was just cast aside. So I acted out so you'd notice that I wanted you to see me," I said to Mason and Mom. "That being said though, I'm also forgiving y'all for neglecting me. Mason, you didn't really do anything wrong, but you could've been there for me more. You could've tried. But both of you gave up on me so easily. And Mom, I tried telling you, but it didn't seem like you were listening. But I've moved on and I'm not mad anymore. I love both of you and I forgive you."

They sat there, mixed emotions on their faces. At first they seemed offended but as I kept talking, they went into shock that I apologized and forgiven them. Then it registered that we were both in the wrong and they nodded. "We apologize and forgive you too," Mom said.

"Really?" Mason and I said at the same time.

"Yes, Mason," Mom looked at him. "Emma was cast aside. And I did pay more attention to you. And you could've tried to been there for her."

He sighed and nodded. "I guess you're right."

"Well," I cleared my throat. "I'm glad we got that covered," I looked at my plate.

"We do love you, Emma," Mom said.

"Love you too," I smiled.


EPILOGUE - 3 Years Later

Carrie and Ben broke up a year ago. They were on good terms, but they wanted different things. Carrie wanted her son Isaac and to move to the country and Ben loved Isaac, but didn't want to settle down at the time. Carrie moved to the country with my ex, Matt, because we had ended things because I just didn't have an interest with him and Matt and Carrie were better together than Ben and Carrie.

Carrie and I still talk and Matt and I are on good terms, too. I face timed them every day to see little Isaac. That boy was so cute and was growing so fast. He was very understanding about the situation and he was eight. How amazing was this guy?

As for Ben, I heard he was still single and going to college. Carrie didn't go yet but once Isaac was old enough, she would. And Matt took night classes.

And me? I managed to save some money from working at that bookstore for the last three years to buy a little apartment. We all still went to church and it was great. I was walking around in the store when Ben walked up to me.

"Hey, how are you?" I said once I noticed him.

"Good," he smiled. "You?"

"Hungry," I laughed, putting some food in my buggy.

"Hey, listen," he said. "I, um... Do you wanna have dinner with me tonight?"

"Oh, uh... Sure," I nodded.

"Cool, I'll pick you up at six," he said.

I nodded and he left.

Six o'clock rolled around and Carrie was excited for me. She really wanted me to be happy and she felt like Ben would do that. He knocked on my front door and we went to a diner to eat.

"Hey, so, I just wanted to say that I like you. Like really like you and I'd like a shot at making you happy," he held my hand.

"Oh," I blushed and hid my face. "Uh, yeah. I'd like that."

"Good," he chuckled and loosened up a bit.

He leaned across the table and kissed me and it just felt right. I'd remembered back when I barely knew him and always thought he was a nice guy and never would I have imagined him thinking about me in this way.

He pulled back and I giggled. I had a feeling he would make me happy.

And I was right.

We got married two years later, had three kids; two boys and a girl. The boys were twins. Carrie was my maid of honor and Matt was Ben's best man. I'd met Ben's parents a week after our first date and his proposal was the sweetest thing ever. Carrie and Matt got married a year after I did and we did the same thing. I was her maid of honor and Ben was the best man. Carrie and Matt had a daughter and we were all happy.

As for my family, they were good too. I talked to them once a month. Mason and Jamie were getting married and Jamie had a baby boy. Mom finally found herself a husband and became happy herself. I was just glad our "Barns' family cycle" was broken.
It's over!!! Thank you to everyone who supported this series and it has been so much fun!!! But don't worry, I still have writing ideas! The series is over but here's my next book:

Troubled guitarist, Sophia Davis, meets a nice guy with a bit of an edge pianist, Julian Nicols, and when they partner up for a music project, they make their troubles melt away with amazing music. Sophia gets abused by her dad and her mom abandoned them when she was ten. She doesn't shy away in a corner. The school knows her as a slut. Because she's not sure how to deal with what her dad does to her. That's also what her guitar is for. Julian's parents divorced when he was fifteen and music is his only way out. He lives with his mom and they get along, but it's been hard on him. Especially since his dad cheated on his mom.

So what do y'all think?! Will y'all read it? Lemme know! Love y'all!

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