Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Since he didn't go to school today he slept in. Kurama knew this day too, because he was cuddled up with Naruto in his bed. It was tradition for Naruto to miss this day. Naruto never missed any other day of school. It was only on the day of his parent's death did he miss. He spends the day at the graveyard at his parents grave with Kurama and he will stay there until dark.

He slowly rips his covers off and Kurama jumped down sitting by the door. Naruto swings his legs over the side of his bed and sits up smiling at him. He gets up and walks into the bathroom and he takes his time getting ready. When he was done he went back to his room and got dressed.

He then goes down the hall to his parent's room. He hasn't moved anything in here for five years. He goes to their dresser and takes out the necklace that his parents gave him and put it on. It was a green emerald with two silver balls on both sides. He smiles looking into the mirror. Kurama sits in front of the door and wags his tail. Naruto walks passed him patting his head.

"How about we get going?" Kurama barks his approval and they go to the door. Naruto puts his harness and leash on him and they were off. They walk down the street side by side. They stop in front of the Yamanaka flower shop and he ties Kurama up and goes into the shop.

Mrs. Yamanaka beams when she sees him. "Naruto. I have your flowers right here." Naruto walks to the counter and she pulls up the most beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"You never cease to amaze me Mrs. Yamanaka. Thank you so much." Naruto couldn't help but widely smile. "It's even better than last year's." He looks up to her. "Are you sure you don't want money for this?"

"I'm positive. It is a gift from all of us to you."

He smiles and looks to the flowers. "Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it, you have a good day Naruto."

"You too." He picks up the flowers and leaves the shop. Kurama perks up and he unties him and they continue to walk. Naruto stopped by a convenience store and got some food to eat later. They walk down the road and up into the cemetery after that. When they got to the gravestone he sat down and placed the bouquet by the stone. He sat there in silence for a good half an hour before doing anything. Kurama laid his head on Naruto's lap. Naruto smiled sadly looking to the grave.

"I hope you like the flowers this year. The Yamanaka family gave them to me for free. They have been so nice to me since everything happened. You would be happy to know that I am passing all my classes this year. Kurama makes sure to wake me up if I don't get up on time. I was almost late to school yesterday cause I slept in, but you can thank Kurama here. He got me up. I'm in good paws for sure." Naruto grinned and scratched Kurama behind the ear making him wag his tail. "I do have to admit though, it does get lonely at times. My friends all do their best to make it better, and they do for the most part, but when I go home to that big empty house I feel ... suffocated. Jiraiya isn't around much, but I told him not to worry. I know he would come to me in a heartbeat if I needed him, but I don't want to worry him. He's told me that I could move in with him anytime. Actually, Iruka said that too." Naruto chuckles. "He worries so much over me. He keeps me in line in school for the most part. He's like a big brother to me."

Naruto looks to the sky and leaned back on his hands. "I actually met someone new. I don't know how long we might talk to each other, but I know him for now and he seems nice. His name is Itachi Uchiha. There is an interesting story that goes with how I met him though. It was on the day that I was running to school cause I was going to be late, and this man pulled a cart out from an alley and I jumped over it because I didn't have time to stop. I landed on the other side and he was just ... there, so I ran into him. On accident of course. He dropped all his papers and I had to help him or else I would have felt terrible and go figure I was in such a panic, I took one of his papers, but I got it back to him. He said it wasn't too important so that was good. Also, I'm going into a karate tournament. I really wish you could see it. I'm going to kick some butt. I practice with Lee and Gai on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The tournament is at the end of next month. After we practiced, Kiba, Shikamaru and I went to our favorite cafe, you know it, it's the one on the corner, and guess who we saw there. Itachi. But before that, this guy came in on this sweet motorcycle. He turned out to be Itachi's brother."

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