Chapter 9

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Naruto jumps back avoiding Lee's kick. He was getting better at this every practice. He could see Lee wearing down, but so was he. All he had to do was get one more blow on him and he will win. Lee once again goes to jab Naruto, but he dodges it and sees an opening. He goes to attack it but stops when he hears the bells on the door chime. Naruto snaps his head back. Naruto smiles brightly at the raven, only to get kicked in the ribs and sent flying.

"Do not let your guard down, Naruto." Lee shouts excitedly.

Naruto grabs his ribs and grumbles to himself. "Yeah, yeah. I know that. Just give me a minute." Naruto gets up rubbing his side. That was a powerful kick. Naruto then runs over to Sasuke, who was wearing sunglasses like always, and smiled.

"You sure you're good at this? Because from what I just saw I would say you kind of suck." Sasuke smirks teasing the blond.

Naruto rolls his eyes and grins. "Ha, ha, very funny teme. I didn't know you were actually going to come."

Sasuke puts his hands in his pockets. "Do you not want me here?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I just didn't think you would actually come." Naruto glances back over his shoulder to see Lee doing push ups. Naruto smiles looking back to the rave. He never rests. "Why don't you go sit with everyone else. Practice should be over soon."

Sasuke nods and walks over to the group that were on the small bleachers. He looks them all over and takes a seat next to Sakura. Everyone's eyes were on Sasuke as he made his way over to the bleachers. When he sat down Sakura took a deep whiff because she thought she smelled something good, it turns out the smell was coming from the raven. She smiled and kept giving Sasuke side glances. She couldn't see his eyes since he was intently watching the blond.

He could tell she kept looking at him, and he was getting a little annoyed with it now. "Do you have something you want to say to me?"

Sakura stiffens. How did he know she kept looking at him? "Oh, no. I was just ... uhm ... y'know ... hi."

He glances to her, looking her over then smirks ever so slightly then looks back to the blond. "I'm Sasuke."

"I'm Sakura Haruno, it's nice to finally meet you. Naruto has told me a lot about you."

He glances over to her and arches a brow. "Oh really?"

She nods smiling. "Yeah, he seems to really like you. You must have really made a good impression on him." She laughs and he looks back to Naruto.

"I guess."

Sakura purses her lips to the side. He was hard to read. He doesn't seem to like to talk a lot either. She glances to Shikamaru and Kiba giving them a distress signal. All they do is shrug, but then Kiba stands up and sits on the other side of Sasuke.

"Hey, I'm Kiba. You must be Sasuke."


"So, how long have you and Naruto been friends?"

"I don't know."

Kiba gives him an unpleased look. He is a lot harder to talk to than he had thought he would be. From the way Naruto talked about him he made him seem pretty talkative. "You don't talk very much, do you?"

Sasuke glances to him. "What makes you think that?"

Kiba shrugs. "Oh, I don't know. All the short answers you give kind of lead me to that conclusion."

"I see."

"See. Short answer again. You know, the way that Naruto was talking about you, I thought talking to you would be easy. He said it was really easy to talk to you and stuff."

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