Chapter 23

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It's been a few days since Kurama told Sakura and Naruto that he's a werewolf. His ankle still hurts, but it's not very bad anymore and he can do things normally now. Right now the blond is in homeroom just spacing out like usual, waiting for the day to start.

Iruka's voice sounds from the front of the room. "Class, we have a new student today. I want you to treat him well." Naruto turns his eyes to the two standing in front of the class. A kid with white hair, an oddly chilling grin on his face and closed eyes is standing beside Iruka. Why is there someone transferring so late in the year? "Go ahead and introduce yourself."

The kid nods. "My name is Akuma Hamada. It's nice to meet you all."

"You can take your seat." Iruka smiles and walks over to Naruto making his eyes widen.

"I didn't do it Iruka-sensei, I swear!" Naruto quickly blurts out thinking he's in some kind of trouble.

Iruka arches a brow. "I wasn't coming over here to accuse you of something ... should I be?"

"No, I just ... never mind. What is it you were going to say?" The blond nervously laughs putting a hand on the back of his neck.

"Akuma seems to have most of your classes, I would like it if you would help him out around the school today. Can you do that for me?"

Naruto blinks a couple times slightly surprised. That's all? "Yeah, that wouldn't be a problem."

"Thank you, Naruto." Iruka smiles walking back to his desk. After Iruka leaves, Akuma takes a seat next to the blond. Naruto looks over at him seeing him looking over his schedule with a map of the school.

Naruto smiles leaning over a bit. "It's nice to meet you Akuma, I'm Naruto Uzumaki."

Akuma turns his head in Naruto's direction with a smile. Even though his eyes are closed and it doesn't look like he's looking at him, Naruto knows he is and it's just how his eyes are. It's odd but Naruto is going to have to get used to it.

"It's nice to meet you."

Naruto glances down at the schedule in Akuma's hands. "Mind if I have a look?"

Akuma's eyebrows raise and he turns his head to his paper then back to Naruto, handing him the paper. "Go ahead."

Naruto takes the handed paper and scans his eyes over it. It's not that Naruto didn't believe Iruka but he's a little shocked that he has nearly every class with him. "It turns out you're with me basically all day. If you want I can show you around." He hands him back his paper.

Akuma continues to smile. "That would be great, thank you."

Naruto puts a hand on the back of his neck with a chuckle. "It's the least I can do." The more Naruto looks at him, the more he realizes that smile is similar to Sai's. It's fake. Naruto drops his hand, his smile gradually fading. There's something odd about him, but Naruto can't put his finger on it. Maybe its just from coming to a new school. That's when the bell for first period rings, snapping Naruto out of his thoughts. They don't have to move far this period since they stay in the same room.


As they walk down the hall to p.e Naruto is pointing out a few things to Akuma here and there, asking a few questions as well. In the locker room Naruto takes his shirt off changing for gym.

"So, you're from America?"

Akuma nods. "Yes."

"That's cool, what was it like over there?"

"I came from a small town so it was a lot different from here."

Naruto smiles. "I can understand that. I've always wanted to visit America. Who knows, maybe I'll get to one day." The two of them leave the locker room and head out to the gym. "Do you like gym?"

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