Chapter 8

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"I was looking everywhere for you yesterday. Did something happen to you? Did you have to leave early? Naruto what is going on?" Naruto sighs at Iruka. He always has worried too much. Iruka was sitting in front of him with his stare planted on the blond. He was not going to let Naruto leave until he answered all of his questions.

"Nothing happened to me. I just started to feel really sick. I went to the nurse and I got sent home. That's it. I swear. I'm alright, really. You don't have to worry so much." Naruto smiles to try and reassure his teacher, but that wasn't working. Iruka still looked as stressed as before, if not more. Did he not believe him? It wasn't the truth, but Naruto thought it was pretty convincing.

"Naruto, I've heard some things recently." Naruto stopped smiling and stared at Iruka. This can't be good. "I don't know if they are true or not, I really don't want them to be true, but with the way you have been acting recently I'm starting to believe they might be."

Naruto furrows his brows. "What exactly have you heard?"

Iruka stares him in the eyes to see his reaction to what he is going to say. "I heard that you have been doing bad things. I heard you have been hanging out with Kagura and his group smoking, doing drugs, stealing ... Naruto please tell me that you aren't doing those things."

Naruto's eyes narrowed. Who the hell has been saying that? He has never done any of those things in his life. He's never even thought about doing that before. "No. No way in hell have I done that. Whoever told you that is lying! I swear Iruka I didn't do any of that. I hang out with Sakura, Kiba, Shikamaru, and Sasuke. That's it. The reason I have been acting weird is because I can't concentrate on anything."

Iruka sighs with relief. He knows Naruto wouldn't lie to him, at least not about something like that. "That's a relief." Iruka breaths. He looks up to an angry blond. "You aren't mad at me, right?"

"No. Why would I be mad at you? I'm mad at who told you those lies." He huffs crossing his arms and turns his glare out the window.

"So, Naruto." Naruto glances back to his teacher. "Why haven't you been able to concentrate recently?"

Naruto drops his eyes to the desk and unfolds his arms. "Well, I made a new friend. I told you about him actually. His name is Sasuke. I told you about him but then I ran off before I could finish. I had somewhere I really had to go, sorry about that." Naruto nervously laughs putting his hand on the back of his neck.

"I see. This Sasuke boy, how old is he? That name doesn't sound familiar. Does he still go to school?"

Great. Of course he would have to ask his age. He has no idea how old he is. Wait. Even if he did know how old he was he probably couldn't tell Iruka anyway. He is probably one hundred or two hundred years old. Okay well let's think. How old does he look? Twenty? Twenty three? "He's twenty two."

"So he's in college. Where does he go?"

Really Iruka! Naruto grumbled to himself and wracked his brain for some university. That's when he realized he had no idea what colleges where around here. "I honestly have no idea." He laughs and gives him a sheepish smile.

Iruka nods. He didn't expect Naruto to know where he goes to college. That is if Sasuke had even told him before. "Have you met his family yet?"

He is making it sound like he told him he's dating Sasuke. Which he most definitely isn't. "I met his older brother, Itachi. Itachi is actually how I met Sasuke."

"They seem pretty nice."

Naruto smiles and nods. "They are." The bell rings indicating Naruto that he is late for his second period class. They stand up and walk to Iruka's desk. Iruka quickly scribbles on a pass and hands it to Naruto. Naruto smiles as he takes it. "I'll see you tomorrow." Iruka nods and Naruto leaves the classroom.

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