Chapter 13

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The door opens letting Sasuke step through with a furry friend following behind. He closes the door as Kurama ran around sniffing the ground. He probably can smell Naruto from here. Sasuke goes to the stairs but stops when he sees Kurama not following him. He sighs and walks over to him. "What are you doing? Naruto is this way." Sasuke jabs a thumb back towards the stairs. Kurama looks to him then starts sniffing the floor again making Sasuke rolls his eyes. This is why he hates animals.

"Otouto?" Itachi pokes his head from behind a corner. "I thought that it was you. Where were you? Shisui and I have been looking for-" Itachi stops mid-sentence when he sees a big orange dog sniffing the floor behind Sasuke. Kurama stops sniffing the ground and looks up and over to the raven's older brother. Itachi's eyes widen as he stares into it's big brown eyes. "He's so ..." Itachi's hands move to his face as a smile erupted across it. "So cute!" Itachi drops to his knees patting his upper thighs overenthusiastically. "Come here boy! Come here." Kurama wags his tail and ran over to the man. When Kurama reached him, Itachi couldn't take his hands off of him. He was so soft and loving. "Who's a good boy? You are! Yes you are!"


"Otouto, he's so cute. Where did you get him?" Itachi smiled as he smothered Kurama with affection.

"Naruto's house. This is Kurama, his dog."

Itachi's eyes widen. "This is Naruto's dog?" He glances to Kurama to see him wagging his tail and panting happily. "I never got to see his dog before. He's mentioned him, but I never saw him. He's so cute! I wish we could keep him." Itachi's eyes softened looking to Kurama. "I bet you have helped Naruto through a bunch, haven't you Kurama?" Kurama barks and Itachi pats his head standing up.

Itachi gives Sasuke a pleading look making Sasuke narrow his eyes. "Don't even think about it. You heard Madara. No pets. Dogs are pets."

"Aww, but Sasuke! Look at him! How could you say no to a face like this? It's too cute!" Itachi pouted and started petting Kurama again.

"That is the only rule we have in this house. Can't you follow it?"

"I have followed it for nearly eight hundred some years! Dogs only live for what, twelve, twenty years? That isn't very long!"

"Don't harass me about it. Go bother Madara."

Itachi looked up to his brother with sad eyes. "B-but ... otouto."

"No buts. Now if you'll excuse me, Naruto is waiting for me." Sasuke walked up the grand staircase and looks back to Kurama, who was still loving up on his older brother. "Kurama, come." Kurama perked up and looked to Sasuke, then to Itachi, but ended up running up the stairs to Sasuke leaving a disappointed Itachi in the grand entrance.

Sasuke walks down the hall with Kurama trotting right beside him. When they reach Sasuke's room, Kurama started going crazy and started to whine. Sasuke smirked and opened the door. As soon as he did that, Kurama bolted into the room and jumped right onto his best friend.

"Ugh! What the hell! Ew! Stop it! That's nasty! Dude!" Naruto was trying to cover his face from the millions of licks, but that wasn't working out so well. Naruto quickly reached up and felt fur. Sasuke doesn't have fur. Naruto opened his eyes once the bombard of licks ceased. "Kurama!" Kurama was hovering panting, with what looked like a smile on his face, right above Naruto. Naruto quickly pulled Kurama into a tight hug, smile spreading widely across his face. Kurama then decided that it would be a great idea to lay on Naruto. He quickly plops down right on top of the blond. "Ugh!" Naruto groaned at the new weight on him. Kurama cocked his head to the side then started panting with that smile again. "Kurama ... you aren't as light as you used to be y'know." Kurama barked and licked Naruto's face once more. Naruto then pushed Kurama off to the other side of the bed so he wasn't laying on him.

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