Chapter 20

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"Tomorrow's the big fight."

"20 bucks he loses."

"No way, I like my money."

"Guys... I'm right here." Naruto glares at them crossing his arms.

"Sorry Naruto," Kiba laughs setting a hand on his shoulder. "but you're going to die."

Naruto gives him an unamused look. "Thanks for the boost of confidence guys."

Sakura chuckles walking beside him putting her dishes in the sink. "They're just pulling your leg." She gives Kiba, Shikamaru and Sai a smile. "Aren't you guys." Kiba scratches the back of his head looking away. Shikamaru rubs the sleep away from his eyes- as if that could actually happen when it comes to Shikamaru. And Sai, well he smiles back, completely unaware of the hidden message in her words. She sighs turning to the blond as they walk out to the quart yard. "You're gonna do great, Naruto. I just know it."

Naruto grins slightly at her encouragement. "Thanks Sakura."

"Alright everybody!" Takamura's voice rings over the yard when everyone is finally in it. "We have four more days of practice. There's no time to waste, time is of the essence! Let's get to it!"

And at that, everyone grabs a new partner. Itachi strolls up to the blond with a smirk. "I guess it's my turn."

Naruto beams a huge smile. He's wanted to fight Itachi for a while now. "Awesome." The two of them walk a little further away from the house and face each other.

"You ready?"

"You bet."

"Good." Itachi charges him without a second warning and trips the blond in less than one second. The Uchiha lowers himself to Naruto's face. "I'm gonna teach you something that will help you defeat Madara in your fight tomorrow. Although he can't find out I'm teaching you this or else his guard will be up, so act natural and pay attention."

The blond subtly nods and kicks the older Uchiha off of him, sending him a couple feet back. The blond immediately whips himself up off the grass and roundhouse kicks Itachi in the head. At least he would have, hadn't Itachi blocked it grabbing his ankle and spinning him around pulling him close pretending to bite him. "His left knee is his weak point." Naruto jumps away whamming the blunt end of the stake into Itachi's gut making him stumble back. When he releases the blond, Naruto spins around to block a jab Itachi throws at him. "Come from the front, distract him with some frontal attacks, then when the timing is prefect- and I cannot stress this enough, the timing is key- you kick your foot out to his side like this." Itachi kicks at Naruto, just grazing his hip then stands straight again. "Then twist your upper half of your body, elbow out aiming for his jaw. When he's paying attention to the upper attack, lower your leg to the back of his knee and yank it forward as hard as you can. Once he's one the ground you'll have to move fast."

The blond narrows his eyes taking it all in then nods. "I think I got it."

"I'll show you it without stopping this time, okay?" The blond nods. Itachi kicks once again just grazing his hip. He twists his upper half of his body, arm locked, elbow in place. Naruto quickly blocks his elbow and Itachi kicks his knee out from him causing him to fall to the ground. Itachi hovers over Naruto with a smile. "Got it?"

Naruto blinks a few times at how fast he is. "Uh-huh."


Te blond sighs as he stretches his arms towards the sky. The finished practice for the morning and afternoon, now they get a little break for lunch. Naruto is a little surprised not to have Saiya around, she left somewhere during the middle of morning practice and never showed up again. He figures she just has something she has to do so it doesn't bother him.

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