Chapter 22

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"Owowowow..." Naruto hisses as he stands up. Any movement he makes is painful.

"Are you okay?" Sasuke asks slightly concerned as he watches his partner rub his butt. "Did I really hurt you last night?"

Naruto shakes his head. "No, it's just a bit sore since I'm not used to it."

"If you want I can carry you on my back and say you hurt your ankle."

Naruto meets his eyes and arches a brow. "Wow, I should have done this with you a lot sooner. You're so much nicer." Naruto chuckles grabbing his bags.

Sasuke rolls his eyes. "I didn't know I wasn't supposed to be concerned about my boyfriend if he's in pain. I won't do it again if it bother's you so much."

"No that's not it!"

Sasuke smirks looking back at Naruto as they leave their room. It's at this moment that they hear rapid footsteps approaching their location. Naruto and Sasuke both look down the hall confused. That's when Itachi slides around the corner staring at the two with huge eyes. Naruto is about to say something when Itachi sprints to the blond and picks him up in a hug. "I'm sorry if my otouto hurt you Naruto! You must be in pain!"

Naruto's eyes widen and he freezes stiff with a smile on his face. "A-aha-hahaha..."

Itachi puts him down and stares over to his brother then back to a frozen blond. Itachi arches his brows and waves a hand in front of his face. "Naruto?"

Sasuke sighs running a hand through his hair. "Did you have to tell him that you knew?"

Itachi turns his head to Sasuke and furrows his brows. "I was worried about him. When I felt it in the middle of the night I woke up and thought something was happening, but Madara told us it was just you two."

He ... felt ... it? H-how did he feel it? T-they weren't moving enough to shake the house ... were they?! Naruto feel his face turn bright red. He slowly puts his hands over his face and he rests his forehead on Sasuke's shoulder. "I'm sorry for causing such a racket..."

Itachi howls with laughter. "Don't worry about it Naruto. There's nothing to be ashamed of either, it's a part of life."

"Let's go guys!" Obito's annoyed voice shouts from outside. Naruto takes a deep breath and grabs his things as they all leave the temple. As they walk passed Obito he grumbles. "Thanks for waking us up last night brat."

Sasuke smirks looking him dead in the eye. "At least I can get some you old man."

"Who are you calling old man?!" Shisui comes over putting a hand on Obito's shoulder with a laugh.

"Does everyone know?" Naruto asks walking beside the raven.

"Just my family."

Naruto sighs scratching his neck as he hears a bark. He looks back to see Kurama running up to him. Naruto smiles petting his head. It's a good thing that he slept with Itachi last night. When they reach the jet, everyone is saying their goodbyes and thanking Takamura for everything. Naruto turns to Saiya to see she has a sad smile staring at him. He give a small one back. "Make sure you practice those skills for the next time we come back Saiya. I wanna see how far you can come!"

She straightens up with a shocked look then beams a smile at him. "I will!"

When they all finish what they want to say, everyone piles onto the jet, heading back to their home.


The man steps through the door met by a certain long black haired man. "How did it go?"

The man laughs taking his hat off. "Perfectly. They didn't think anything of me as far as I know."

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