Chapter 19

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Naruto ducks rolling out of the way of Shisui's swing. He quickly bounces back to his feet and slams his arm towards the vampire, but he stops his attack with his arm. He turns around and punches the blond right in the middle of his chest sending him flying backwards into a tree. Cringing from the impact the blond sees his stake on the ground near Shisui's feet. He has no time to dive for it. Shisui is already charging at him. A slight panic in his chest as his heart drums against his ribcage. Remembering his back is against a tree he reaches up ripping a branch off of it and bringing it down in front of him as Shisui stops only inches from him.

Shisui stares into his eyes, a smile appearing on him. "That was good thinking there Naruto. You could have killed the vampire if this was a real situation. Sasuke was right about one thing." He backs up putting an approving hand on the blond's shoulder. "You are getting really good at this."

"That may be, but I bet he couldn't beat me." Obito walks over to the two with his hands in his pockets.

A playful smirk shows up on Naruto as he meets Obito's gaze. "You wanna test those words? Something tells me you're all talk and no game."

Obito narrows his eyes. "Come at me, bro."

Shisui backs away and as soon as he does this Naruto pushes off the tree heading right at the Uchiha. He crouches under his attack, spins around, and connects his first with Obito's jaw. As he spins around he snatches his stake up from the ground. Obito brings his fist down on top of the blond connecting with his shoulder making Naruto fall to the ground. The Uchiha starts to get closer so Naruto brings an elbow up smashing into the side of his head.

Obito stumbles backwards. The blond uses this time to get on his feet and charge at him. Obito snaps his eyes to him. Just as he gets a few feet away from the vampire, Obito roundhouse kicks him in the side. Naruto sees him doing this and grabs Obito's leg as it connects with him. The momentum that the blond has brings Obito tumbling down. He releases Obito's leg and rolls over the quart yard, only stopping when he hits someone's feet. He quickly glances up to see Sasuke staring at him with an amused smirk, but the blond doesn't look at him for long. He's up and charging back at Obito as soon as he's on his feet.

The blond skids to a halt leaning backwards as Obito takes a swing at him. Once his arm passes him he lunges forward, but Obito brings the arm that just missed Naruto back sending Naruto crashing to the ground. The blond swings his feet over to Obito knocking his knees out. Once Obito is on the ground, Naruto wraps his legs around him.

Now sitting on top of him he holds the stake at his heart panting heavily with a smile. "I win."

Obito scoffs rolling his eyes. "I let you win, kid. Don't get too full of yourself. Now hurry up and get off would ya?" Naruto chuckles knowing that Obito didn't actually let him win. He jumps off of him and helps him up. Dusting themselves off Obito playfully punches Naruto's arm with a small smirk. "We won't have to worry about you if you ever get attacked, that's for sure."

"I wanna see him try to beat Madara. That would be an interesting fight." Shisui plops a hand on his shoulder making Naruto's eyes widen. Fight Madara? Ha! Haha! No. Madara would kill him.

Naruto nervously chuckles putting a hand on his neck. "I wouldn't stand a chance against Madara. It wouldn't be much of a fight."

"You scared dobe?"

Naruto snaps his head to Sasuke. "No way!"

"Then why are you acting like a little chicken?" Kiba pokes him in the shoulder.

"Fine! I'll do it!" Naruto raises his hands in the air then lets them fall back to his sides. "But not today. Sometime near the end of the week. Okay?"

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