Chapter 18

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"It's hard to believe that this island is vampire free." Naruto stretches as he rolls his head over to see him, eyes landing on the Uchiha sitting up next to him.

"It's an island of vampire hunters. If there were any uninvited vampires here they would be killed. It makes perfect sense that it's vampire free."

Naruto purses his lips as he sits up and looks around at everyone. "Does everyone else on the island know you're a vampire?"

"Yeah. The only way for us to come to the island is to get everyone's consent. To do that they all have to know everything about us."

"Ne, Sasuke. How did you meet these guys?"

"A long time ago when I was only a child, this island was taken over by vampires. We saved them and their island and now they let us come here whenever we want. Simple as that."

Naruto frowned giving him an unamused look. The blond was hoping for a more detailed story. They were all waiting for Takamura to come back so they can start their practice. He left in a hurry right after breakfast to do something. He sighs and his eyes wander over to his group of friends laying in the grass in the middle of the quart yard. Frowning slightly he drops his eyes to his hands.

Kurama cocks his head at his human and watches him. When he didn't smile again, he nudges him standing up and wags his tail with what looks like a smile on his face.

Naruto glances at him and smirks. "What is it boy?" Kurama barks and jumps off the walkway that was off of the house right into the grass of the yard. "I'm gonna go play with him until Takamura gets back."

Sasuke nods and Naruto jumps up, immediately chasing after him. Kurama jumps around and sprints off towards the group of people in the grass, but before he hits them he does a sharp turn. Naruto skids to a halt and puts a hand on the ground, pushing off with such strength that he catches up to his dog. He wraps his arms around him and falls to the ground.

Kurama turns his head and licks Naruto's face making him laugh. "Okay, okay." Kurama pushes himself off Naruto and sits next to him with what looks like a grin on his face. Naruto throws his arms to the side, deciding to enjoy the cool breeze as the clouds roll by.

With a sigh, Naruto sits up, eventually getting to his feet. He walks over to the edge of the yard to see an angled cliff. It was polluted with shrubs, flowers, and trees. It looks pretty from where he stands, but he really doesn't want to accidentally fall down it. Just as he was about to step back someone pushes him making him fly forward, but before he falls down the cliff, he is pulled back, landing on the ground next to a laughing boy.

Naruto puts a hand to his chest and sends Kiba a glare. "I almost fell down that, Kiba!"

Kiba continues to laugh hysterically, but calms himself just enough to answer the blond. "That's the point. You almost fell, you didn't actually fall. You didn't have anything to worry about, I had it all planned out." He sits up, his grin not going anywhere.

Naruto's eye twitches and he lunges at him, pushing him back to the ground. The two of them toss and turn, rolling all over the quart yard. Naruto eventually pins Kiba, but the dog lover -with one huge push- throws the blond off of him and starts to get up. Just as he stands, Naruto wraps both arms around his legs. The brunette falls to the ground with a cringe worthy thud, but Naruto doesn't hesitate. He crawls up the back of his friend, pinning his one arm behind his back and pushes down on it so he can't get up.

"Alright. I give." Kiba pants tapping the ground with his free hand making Naruto grin and throw himself next to his friend.

"That's what I thought." Naruto smirks and heaves a heavy sigh. Kiba chuckles and eventually both Naruto and him are in a laughing fit.

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