Chapter 11

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"Kurama! What have you done?!" Naruto runs panicked hands through his hair staring at the shredded paper at Kurama's feet. Kurama lowered his ears and whimpered. "This is not good. Kurama why?" Naruto grabs the paper in his hands and frowned. He drops it standing up and paces his room. What was he going to do? That paper could make a difference if he passes or fails. This is not good. Not good at all. That paper took Sasuke and him forever. He can't just remake it this morning. "Ugh! I'm so screwed!"

Sasuke would know what to do, right? He wouldn't have time to ask him though. Sasuke's house is so far away and school starts in a half an hour. A phone! Wait ... he lost his phone a while ago, and even if he had his phone he couldn't call Sasuke since he doesn't have his number. Shit! Okay, it's okay, just think. What could he do? He could ... maybe he could ... nothing. He is so screwed and he is going to fail this semester for science. This is just great. He bangs his head off his wall and just stands there.


Sasuke was just walking along, but out of the middle of nowhere he sensed Naruto in a panic. He stops in his tracks and looks back to the direction Naruto's house is in. He then immediately starts to run. What has he gotten himself into? Sasuke grumbled to himself landing on the branch and jumping through the already open window.

There he was standing right in front of the wall literally hitting his head off of the wall. Kurama sitting behind him cocking his head to the side watching his owner have a meltdown as he wagged his tail. Sasuke arches a brow looking between the two. He was not expecting this to be what was happening. Sasuke slowly walks over to Naruto to hear him faintly whispering to himself.

"I'm screwed. I am so very much screwed. So very screwed..."

Sasuke furrowed his brows looking back to Kurama then to the blond. "How are you screwed?"

Naruto immediately stops banging his head off the wall and his eyes shoot wide open. He then spins around to see the raven. "Sasuke! Oh my gosh! Thank god you are here! I have a little predicament."

Sasuke crosses his arms. "What is it?"

"Kurama kind of ... maybe ... destroyed the science paper we did and if I don't hand it in today I will fail for sure."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed and he glared at the dog. Kurama lowered his ears and looked away. Sasuke sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. Of course this would happen. "Fine, I can fix this."

Naruto beams brightly. "Really? How? What are you going to do?"

"I said I'll fix it so don't worry about it. Just hurry up and get to school."

"But that class is my second period." Sasuke looks up to Naruto and narrows his eyes. Naruto's eyes widened. "Right, go to school. You got this. Alright. I'll see you later. See ya Sasuke!" Naruto sprints from the room grabbing his bag on the way out. He couldn't help but worry slightly about the paper. He didn't doubt Sasuke, but it was a lot of work to do for both of them let alone one.

He gets to school just in time. He was now in first period. He quickly gets out his math homework that Sasuke helped him with and set it on his desk so Iruka could see it.

"Okay class, homework out." Iruka stands up and walks around the room with a clipboard marking down if you have it done or not. He stops at Naruto's desk, having to do a double take. All of his work was done. Every single problem. And it was a lot neater than usual. You could actually read it. "I'm impressed Naruto." Iruka slightly smiles at him making Naruto beam then glances back to the paper. "So, who helped you?"

"Eh? Iruka-sensei, why do you think someone helped me just because it's done?"

Iruka crosses his arms and gives Naruto a look. "Oh, I don't know, maybe because, uhm, you never do your homework and when you do it is half assed, sloppy, and barely done." Iruka says this a little sarcastically making Naruto pout.

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