Scroll 6: Wild Magic

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Scroll 6:

Wild Magic

For months and months, Red trained and studied in Abalour Academy. She had successfully done her works and tasks as a student. Red gathered enough points for every semester. Amidst Red’s success, she stayed oblivious of her abilities. Lorelei tried everything to compete with Red in school, but Red always goes ahead of her. It’s been a while since Lorelei’s hand burnt, and Red could never forget that very day. Ever since it happened, Lorelei kept her eye on Red. In school, she stalks at Red’s back. Lorelei has been having uncertainties that Red really has magic.

It was a wonderful morning in the month of October. The students of the school are having a Halloween Break, so there are no classes held for two weeks except for the scholars. It is already the tenth day of their break, and Red is enjoying it. Red went to the School’s Post Office and there she composed a letter for her parents in Volfelin. She wrote it on a clean paper with a fine quill. Red wrote,

Dear father and mother,

Happy Halloween! It’s already seven months, since I left home. I miss you! You have nothing to worry, because everything is fine. Do you know that I received gold awards in the first semester? It’s one of my greatest achievements, and it’s all for you.

Mother, father, you are the best people in the whole world. I could never replace you. I think this will be the first Halloween that we won’t be together, many undertakings in the academy, currently hectic. I am proud of you at the same time, because you have successfully reached the rank of an Earl and a Countess. Now, you can have direct communication to the king and queen.

As I said, everything is fine. I hope you’d still have a wonderful Halloween party without me. Four days left, exactly, four days left! You need to be prepared. Choose the blackest and creepiest gown mother, and wear a wonderful masquerade. As for you father, choose the most vampiric costume and wear a wonderful mask like mother. Don’t forget these reminders my beloved parents, because they’re all from your beloved daughter. I hope you’ll have a wonderful Halloween celebration! Once again, Happy Halloween!

Your Beloved daughter,

Red Oakwood 

 Red then inserted her letter on a blue envelope and sealed it with the design of a crown. She then gave her letter on the head mailman at the counter. As the mailman places the letter on the unbreakable sack, Red felt relieved and left the School’s Post Office. Red looked around her, everywhere there are dried leaves. Red fixed her gown and opened her umbrella, and went to Terson in the Gazebo Park. Terson was just there, cradling a baby swan. As Red saw him, she smiled and yelled.

“Good day Terson!”

Terson looked onto his side and there he saw at the park’s entrance, Red was there. He replied as well, “Good day Red! Come, you would like this.”

Red wondered what it is, so she went to Terson by the lake. As Red saw the baby swan in Terson’s hands, she became happy. She closed her umbrella, folded it and dropped it on the ground. She then said,

“May I hold that baby swan to my hands?”

“Of course…” Terson carefully gave the young bird to Red. “Be careful, because if you harm that little bird, its mother will peck at your head.”

Red slowly took the baby swan and cradled it into her hands. She then said, “Terson, let’s go to that porch over there. Let’s talk.”

Terson agreed and took Red’s umbrella and both of them went to the gazebo. There they talked to each other. Red asked.

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