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Tyler's POV

"Wow. I never knew it would end up like this. Thank you for taking me to the hospital. I really do appreciate it. I could of died."

"Anytime. Anytime." I said.

Connor's POV

"Anytime. Anytime." said Tyler.

Then, Tyler sat down by my bed. He's just... UGH! He's just so adorable!
He started saying something but, then I zoned out in my thoughts.
He's very hot. I'd do anything to him. Wait, I've been here for a week. Does anyone else know about this? WAIT! WHAT ABOUT MY MOM!? Oh shit, she's gonna kill me.
My breathing starting to get heavy and my heart was pounding.
I don't what to go home. What if she hits me? What if she... I can't even imagine what see would do to me.
Then, Tyler shook me to get my attention.
"Are you alright Connor?"

I didn't know what to say.
Should I tell the truth or lie to him?

"No, I'm not okay."

"What's wrong?"

"Well, I have a abusive mom. She'll hit me upside my head. She scares me. And she doesn't know about this. I've been gone for a week. If I go back home, I'll probably get punched in the face."

Tyler has a shocked look on his face.
"I'm so sorry Connor. I wish I could help you."
I looked down not knowing what to do.
"I have an idea!" Tyler said making me jump a little. "You can stay with me. I mean if you don't mind. I want to help you."

I was so suprised he would give me that offer.
Should I take the offer? How would I get passed my mom?

"Connor, are you okay?" Tyler said as he shook me.
I looked up. Looking into his eyes.
"So you wouldn't mind me living with you?"

"Of course not! It would be great to have someone around."

It suprised me that Tyler was willing.

"Sure! I'll move in with you."
I was exited. Surprisingly, Tyler looked exited too.

"Great!! But wait..." He trailed off.

"But what?"

"What about your mom? What about your school?"

I sat there for a minute thinking. Hopefully my mom wouldn't mind. Right? And Tyler could just take me to school. But, I don't want to go to school. I've been gone for a whole week. How would people react? Would I get made fun of even more by Cameron?

I looked up at Tyler. He was waiting for an answer but he knew that I was taking my time and he was okay with that.

"Well," I said. "I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't care. And you could drop me off at school?"

"That won't be a problem."

I was so happy that I'm moving away from a abusive mother and living with someone who cares about me. I trust him.

"I'm so excited to move!" I sorta yelled.
Tyler just chuckled.
Gosh he's so sexy when he chuckles.

"I'm excited too. It's nice to finally meet new people. I'm willing to help anyone and I helped you. I want you to be safe."

The words that just came out of Tyler's mouth touched my heat, deep down inside. Tyler is such a nice guy. He was willing to help me.

Then the doctor walks in.

"Hello Connor." Then he looked at Tyler. "Hello...." He trailed off.

"My name is Tyler." He stood up to go shake his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Tyler."

I jumped into the conversation.
"When can I leave?"

Tyler and the doctor stared at me.

"Well, Tyler can sign some papers then you can go home."

"Alright let's go." Tyler said.

Tyler and the doctor left the room.
Tyler should be mine. But how? I'm just so glad I'm moving in with a beautiful guy. Gosh he's dreamy. I hope everything goes well.

Hey guys! Please vote. I'm sorry for the short chapter. But I hope you liked my story so far! I love you so much!

Alone, Unwanted {Editing!}Where stories live. Discover now