Holy Shit

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Connor's POV

My knees felt weak and mind went blank. I collapsed on the floor without hesitation. Once my body hit the floor my eyes closed shut.

Tyler's POV (it's been awhile)

"Make yourself at home, Troye." I told Troye once we entered my house.

He has this adorable smile that make me blush for some reason.

I walked over to Troye and sat beside him on my couch.
"You have a very devine home, Tyler." Troye said.

"Why thank you, I designed it myself." I said with glee.

"Oh really? Well than, you have a very wonderful taste." Troye stated while looking around, still sitting on my couch.

"Would you like to look around my home, since you love my taste so much?" I asked while getting up from my couch.

"Oh sure! I'd love to!" Troye said with a smile, filled with glee.

"Are you going to give me some sort of tour?" Troye questioned while getting up from my couch.

"Sure! Now follow me." I said while heading towards the kitchen.

"Alright Troye, this is the kitchen!" I said while I just arrived in doorway of my kitchen.

"Oh my gowd, this is gorgeous!" Troye stated as he walked around the island, touching the granite counter tops.

This is weird. Why is the pantry door and the drawers open? I always close them. Is someone else in my house? OoOOOOOoOoOOoO I'm about to beat a bitch up!

"Show me more! I love your home already." Troye exclaimed while walking over to me and disturbing my thoughts.

"Okay, let's go upstairs then." I told Troye, leading him to the staircase.

"Alright." Troye stated as he tagged along with me as we go up the stairs.

I stepped into the hallway upstairs and smelt something odd. It smelt terrible and I didn't know what it could be.

"The closest room to us is the bathroom so let's go in here."

Troye hummed in response.

I opened the door and my facial expression turned right around, into a expression of horror. There was blood everywhere and my sleeping pills bottle was open and my vodka bottle was shattered all over the title.

"Oh my gowd. What happened?!" I yelled.

"Tyler, did you kill someone in here?" Troye stated with a slight giggle.

"I wasn't here all day! This is not a good time to joke around, Troye!" I screamed.

"Okay, I apologize, Tyler." Troye said, as if he was ashamed in himself with hanging his head low.

I decided to go into my room to see what I'm dealing with. This is not something you see everyday, so I'm a little worried with what I'll find.

"Come on, Troye, lets go." I said, motioning my hand towards my room.

Troye nodded his head in response while following me into the hallway. I was a little unsure with what I'll find and how much it'll affect me.

Troye and I tiptoed towards my room not wanting to cause attention towards us if there was something in my house.

We reached my door and stopped in our tracks and stared at each other. We both nodded at each other as if we were saying, 'It'll be okay.'

I grabbed the door handle that leads to my room. I was hesitant weather I wanted to open the door or not. I don't know what will be behind it. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I walked into the room with my eyes closed, not wanting to open it. Troye did the same.

"Ready Troye, on the count of three we'll open our eyes together. Okay, one, two, three."

Troye and I opened our eyes and had the same expression on our faces. Horror washed over us. Connor laid there, helplessly. He was dark shades of blue and purple. His throt was slit wide open. He had my huge knife right beside him. Blood leaking from his wound. His shirt soaked up most of it.

"CONNAH! BABY!" Troye yelled out, with tears streaming down his face, running to his side.

Wait, Troye knows Connor? Were they lovers? Or just friends?

I stood still. I couldn't move, I couldn't think, everything just left me.

"CALL 911, TYLER, NOW!" Troye yelled to me.

He was on his knees, shaking Connor, like he was just going to magically be awake. I knew when I actually saw him, he was gone. He took my sleeping pills and probably drank the whole bottle of vodka in the bathroom.

Troye looked at me, knowing that I wouldn't move. He grabbed his phone out of his poket and quickly dialed 911.

"My best friend is d-d-dead! His throat is w-w-wide open and th-theres's blood ev-everywhere! P-p-pl-plwase hurry! The add-address is-"

I couldn't hear Troye on the phone anymore. His voice was muffled and his image was blurry. I couldn't focus. The world felt like it was leaving me alone. I couldn't handle it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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