This Can't Be Happening

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Connor's POV

I walked into the closet and grabbed a hoodie and some basketball shorts. I left the room to get dressed in the bathroom. The bathroom was beautiful as well. I quickly changed into my 'pjs' and left the bathroom going into Tyler's room. Tyler was already asleep so I set my clothes on the floor and climbed into bed. I kept distance from Tyler. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep in his comfy bed.


Connor's POV (next morning)

I woke up, with the sunlight in my face, making it hard to see. I tired to get up but, something was weighing me down. I look at my waist to see what was going on. I see arms, arms are around my waist. I look over to see who's arms they belonged to. Then, I see Tyler's beautiful face beside me. He looked peaceful as he slept.

WAIT?! HE put HIS arms around MY WAIST! I thought he was straight? So he's gay? YASS! He can finally be mine!

Then, Tyler wakes up. He opens his beautiful eyes and starred at me.

His eyes are everything!

"Good morning Connor." he said with a raspy morning voice.

"Good morning Tyler, did I bother you while you were sleeping?"

"No not at all. I actually slept good last night." then he stares at his arms that are currently around my waist.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry. I guess I just was lonely last night." he said as he smiled.

I smiled back at him, staring deep into his light green eyes. Then, he cupped my face. I was shocked by his actions. I thought he would never make a first move. He started to lean in. He was so close I could feel his breath against my face. Then, he quickly pulled away. I was sad that he pulled away.

"I'm sorry." he said as he looked down.

"It's okay. I was actually into it." I said as I winked with a smirk across my face.

I got out of bed going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and such. As I opened the door, the door slammed back closed. I turned around knowing exactly who it was.

"Don't tease me Connor." He said as he winked.

He grabbed my waist, penning me against the door. Then, he pinned my arms against the door.

"Are you ready?" he asked me with a smirk.

"100%" I quickly replied with a smirk too.

Then, he crashes his lips into mine. He had big plumed soft lips. He was a great kisser too. Then, he pulled away. He picked me up bridal style to the bed. He tossed me on the bed, giving me devilish smile. He quickly took off his shirt, showing his 6 pack. I bite my lip while looking at it.

"Like what you see?" he said with a smirk.

I nodded. He jumped onto the bed. He then gets on top of me. He crashes his lips into mine, once again. He starting kissing me passionately, he licks my bottom lip for entrance then, I opened my mouth some to let him in. He quickly puts tongue into my mouth. It was amazing for this being my first time. While kissing me, he pulls off my shirt. I smile once he pulled it off. Then, he started to travel down my neck. He started to suck, I moaned softly while he did it. Then, he went down my stomach, as he traveled downward, his kisses were wet and slobbery.

Then, I hear the door slam wide open. Tyler stops kissing me and looks to see who it was.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I heard someone scream. It sounded like a woman. Then, the door slammed shut.

"Oh shit.." Tyler mumbled.

He quickly got off of me running out of the room.

What the hell just happened? I can't believe that just happened. It was amazing. But, who was that women? Why did he run after her? Oh shit. What did I do now?

Ariana's POV (New person yay!)

I have to get my stuff from Tyler's house. We were dating but, our relationship was a little bumpy so we really never talked to each other. I hopped in my car and headed to Tyler's house. Once I got there I got out of my car and headed to the front door. The door was locked but, at least I have a key. I unlocked the door and walked in. I didn't see Tyler anywhere.

Mmmm that's weird, he's always up at this hour.

Then, I just decided to go in his room. I walked up the stairs and opened the door. I froze. I couldn't believe what I saw in front of me. Tyler was making out with someone but, it wasn't a girl, it was a guy. They were both shirtless.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I screamed. I was mad and also confused. I couldn't handle it anymore. I slammed the door shut and ran downstairs. I was crying my eyes out. I've never been so confused before.

Is he gay? Did he just use me? Did he ever love me??

I grabbed the door knob that lead outside. I was about to open the door but, someone grabbed my wrist, spinning me around.


"Look I'm sorry." Tyler said as he looked down at his feet.


He looked at me with sympathy.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen."

"WELL GUESS WHAT TYLER, IT FUCKING DID! ALSO, WE'RE THREW TYLER, THREW!" I screamed in his face while tears ran down my face.

I got free from Tyler's grip and ran out the door. I ran into my car. I started to break down even more. I started to sob.

Why would he do this to me? WHY?!

I began to punch the wheel. It let out my anger. After a while I began to pull myself together. I started my car and began to drive home.

I don't know what to do anymore? What should I do??

HEYYY! It got juicy didn't it? Did you like the chapter? If you did please vote! I love you so much and I'll see you next time!


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