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So I heard what she said. I was determined to find out what the hell was wrong with that hospital. But how so I went to the person that knows best Stiles Stilinski. Yeah I know big mistake but I couldn't take it anymore I need someone's help he would help me I knew he would. I messaged stiles and told him to meet me in town. When he got there I said" what took you so long?" Stiles said" Malia this place is in the middle of no where I got lost twice." Malia said" can you help me find out what's wrong with Eichen house?" Stiles said" I can but it will take time." Malia said" make it faster we have to save Lydia I know something is wrong I can feel it." Stiles said" yes I will help you." Malia said" thanks Stiles if anyone askes it's not for me ok." Stiles nodded. Malia left.

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