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The day went by slow not really much has changed. Not such a surprise that everyone carried on with there life after I was taken. I lied to Lydia I know everything that happened I know who they were and why they did it. But that doesn't matter I'm here and I'm alive that's what matters. I could bring myself to say it I mean yeah I love her but it's best for her not to know. Lydia came and laid down next to me and played with my hair. Lydia said" I'm so happy to have you back." Malia said" Lyds I love you so much don't ever forget that I promise that I'll never leave you." Lydia kissed Malia and said" I know that." Malia smiled at Lydia. Lydia laid down and closed her eyes. Lydia fell asleep on Malia. Malia was happy and she wouldn't change it for the world.
hey guys sorry it took so long but here's the next part enjoy vote and comment.

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