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Malia was mad Stiles research had got them no where. Malia was so mad she couldn't take it this pain was so bad. Malia went to Theo it's was her last resource she had no one else. She didn't want Scott to know this so she told no one. That night Theo and Malia broke into echo house. Theo's pack came with him. Malia said" I said to bring no one how do I know that I can trust them not to hurt her?" Theo said" they won't do anything with out my command." Malia said" you better be right about this or I won't care who you are I'll kill you if she gets hurt." Theo said" you have my word." Malia went inside. They sneaked into Lydia's room. Lydia said" no Malia leave please they are gonna hurt you please just go." Malia said" I'm getting you out of here." Lydia smiled at her and said " you didn't give up on me?" Malia said" never now let's get out of here." Theo said" let's go someone is coming."
Before they made it out they got caught things got bloody fast Lydia screamed the loudest scream she ever had. She broke windows, glass flew everywhere. Malia got her to safety. Natalie met them at the animal clinic. Lydia hugged her mother and said" mom she saved me." Natalie looked at Malia and said" thank you Malia I'll never be able to repay you." Malia said" it doesn't matter as long as she is safe."

But that was just the beginning.

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