Is it over?

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Malia had started see someone to get over everything that had happened to her. Lydia was still by her side never leaving her. One day Malia and Lydia were at Lydia's house. Malia was sitting on Lydia's bed. Malia was staring off into space. Until Lydia spoke. Lydia said" are you okay?" Malia said" yeah just thinking." Lydia said" are you sure." Malia yelled" Lydia I'm okay I'm not insane okay I don't need your help for everything I'm a big girl!" Lydia yelled" no you aren't I know that you've been lying you know everything." Malia said" so apparently I can't keep my own problems to myself anymore with you getting into everything no wait you get your fucking boy toy into everything." Lydia said" this has nothing to do with Stiles." Malia said" really how about that not once did you look for me when I was gone while I was dying being ripped apart so many times you laid here with him." Lydia slapped Malia. Malia looked at her shocked and she ran out of her house. Lydia sat down. Lydia started having an anxiety attack. Stiles came in her room. Stiles said" Lydia are you okay?" Lydia said" no.... I th-th-think that me annnnd Malia are overrr." Stiles said" I need you to take a deep breath and keep breathing." Lydia cleaned her tears and slowly started going back to normal. Stiles helt Lydia and keep her in his arms. After a while Lydia said" I really love her you know." Stiles whispered" I know." Lydia looked at Stiles. Lydia said" what am I gonna do?" Stiles said" you'll have to wait and find out what Malia wants."

Malia keep running away from Lydia. Thoughts keep running threw her mind. Voices in her head screaming at her. She hates you. She never loved you. She'll never love you. She loves Stiles. Malia screamed" STOP!" Malia was on a bridge when she came to her senses. Malia looked over the edge. Scott said" don't you dare." Malia turned around. Scott said" lia who hit you?" Malia said" Lydia we had a fight I think it's over."
Hey sorry it took so long to update. Vote,comment.
So do you think it's over?

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