The next morning

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Malia woke up and saw Lydia asleep next to her. She pushed Lydia's hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. Derek said" how do you feel?" Malia said" gross." Derek said" you can take a shower you can use some of my clothes if you like." Malia said" thanks I'm gonna wait until my baby wakes up I want to see her." Derek said" ok if you need anything just call ok." Malia nodded. Lydia woke up and said" lia?" Malia said" hey baby." Lydia hugged Malia. Malia kissed her head and said" I'm ok they stopped hurting me a long time ago." Lydia said" who is they?" Malia said" I don't know I never got to see there face." Lydia said" it's ok now you're safe now I'm gonna protect you I promise baby girl." Malia said" thanks baby I'm gonna take a shower." Malia got up and went over to Derek's closet and got a shirt and a pair of shorts. Then went to take a shower.

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