Happy blood day

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Lydia was at home in her house. She had started to recover from the Eichen house. But she was so confused why did it hurt her so bad to think about that place. There was a knock at the door. Lydia got up off the couch and went to open it. There was a box she opened it and what was inside was horrible. There was blood everywhere and Malia's clothes were inside the box. Lydia screamed the loudest scream she had in her. Scott was at her door in n less than ten minutes Lydia was in shock. She had no idea what to do. Scott look around the house and fount the box. At the very bottom there was a note that said" you'll never find her that's a promise when you mess with the debt should be paid." Scott said" Lydia was is this person talking about?" Lydia didn't respond she just closed her eyes.

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