Fews days later

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Malia and Lydia were making plans for that night. It was Lydia's birthday and their anniversary. Malia made plans to take Lydia to a fancy dinner and then she had plans for something more special. Malia bought Lydia a dress that even though she knew it wasn't her color she was gonna look even more beautiful than she was. Lydia was going to get dressed when someone knocked on the door. It was Scott he came to drop off Lydia's dress. Scott said" Malia told me to tell you that she knows it's not your color but you'll look beautiful." Lydia said" thanks I have a big night a head of me I have to get dressed." Scott said" I wish that Allison was here she could heal you make you whole again." Lydia said" please Scott you're gonna make me cry." Scott kissed Lydia's mad cheek and said" bye I hope you have fun tonight." Lydia went upstairs and put on makeup and the dress it really wasn't her color but it was special for her. Malia was gonna treat Lydia in the best way she could until she was whole again.

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