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I felt someone in my room when I got home. I laid there with my eyes closed. I felt the bed sink next to me. Then I smelt her beautiful scent it was my Malia. Malia hugged me around my waist and whispered in my ear" I know you're not asleep you can open your eyes." Lydia open her eyes and said" why are you here?" Malia said" because it's been too long since I shared a bed with you." Lydia said" but my mom could come in here." Malia said" I want to sleep next to you, hear your heartbeat, and feel your breath on my neck not have sex." Lydia said" ok then I guess you can stay but no sex." Malia kissed Lydia's forehead and said" good night I love you my beautiful princess." Lydia said" good night baby girl I love you so much." Lydia laid her head on Malia's chest. Malia whispered softly" I love you and I'm glad that I finally have you back in my arms." They both fell asleep so peaceful. Lydia knew that something wasn't right now it was her job to protect the pack.

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