Day 366

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Day 366

My phone started buzzing against my leg and I fished it out to find Harry's name lighting up the screen.

"Harry?" I answered.

"Don't sound so happy to see me," he huffed.

"Well technically I can't see you," I pointed out.

He let out a grumbling sound while I laughed.

"So why'd you call?" I asked, laying back onto my pillows. It was the late afternoon of a cool October Tuesday.

"I'm picking you up in ten minutes, alright?"

"Excuse me? And where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"And what if I have other plans?" I asked, even though we both knew I didn't.

"Cancel them. Whatever you're wearing is fine. Ten minutes, alright?"

"Alright, whatever," I shrugged.

And just like that, he hung up. I groaned, not wanting to stand up.

I forced myself up and then over to the mirror. I still looked decent from when I had gone out earlier, so it would have to work.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, there was a loud rap at the door.

I ran over to the door, swinging it open.

"Good evening," Harry greeted with a coy smile on his face.

I eyed him suspiciously, still confused about what was going on.

"Who is it?" Alex asked, appearing in the doorway behind us. "Oh, hey Harry."

"Alex," Harry greeted.

"Are you two going somewhere?" Alex asked.

I looked to Harry, seeing if he would stop being so mysterious and tell Alex what we were doing. "We are, actually. But it's a surprise, so I can't tell you where."

I internally groaned while Alex simply shrugged. "Are you not coming back tonight?" she asked, aiming her question at me. "Because I could invite Zayn over and if you weren't coming back-"

I cut her off before she could continue wherever that thought was going, "No Alex, I can crash at Harry's if you'd like."

She grinned at me. "Thanks, babe," she said with a wink.

"Alright, well, we're off then," Harry said, giving Alex a wave.

"Have fun," she called dismissively, her eyes already on her phone- probably contacting Zayn.

Harry and I exited the apartment and he led me by the hand to his car.

"So you're really not going to tell me where we're going?" I asked once the car was moving down the road.

Harry shook his head. "Nope," he said simply.

I slumped into my seat, knowing if he wanted to be stubborn- I wasn't going to get anything from him.

Harry started humming quietly to himself and I watched out the window as the buildings passed by. We were definitely going out of the city, not in.

Soon enough, after the buildings had thinned considerably, Harry pulled into the parking lot of a park.

"We drove this far to go to the park?" I asked, laughing as he climbed out of the car.

Harry shushed me, helping me out of my side before leading me down one of the paths in silence.

I knew better than to ask questions, but I couldn't help how they flowed freely through my brain.

After walking through the park for a few minutes, we approached a dimly lit gazebo that seemed to be glowing in the evening light.

Harry led me up the steps and I gasped when I saw the light that was laid out inside the gazebo.

"Harry-" I breathed, amazed at the lengths he would go to.

"Do you like it?" he asked quietly, watching me with wide eyes.

I nodded. "Of course," I answered, referring to the picnic that was spread out in front of us. It was a picture out of a movie- the gazebo was hung with lanterns, the picnic blanket was plush and comfy looking, there was enough food to feed at least six people and it all looked amazing.

Harry and I sat down on the blanket. I couldn't take my eyes off of him as he poured us our drinks and began to serve out the food.

"But why?" I asked quietly as he passed me my cup of lemonade. "There's no way you just did this for fun."

Harry gave me that dazzling smile of his as he looked up. "You're right. There was a reason. Guess what today is."

I racked my brain. It was October 1st. It wasn't our anniversary- I definitely wouldn't have forgotten that. But what was it?

"A year ago, today, was the day that you and I first met."

I stared at him in amazement. How did he remember that?

"You remembered the day we first met?" I asked in a whisper.

He shrugged. "I guess you made a bit of an impact on me," he said, a rosy blush rising on his cheeks as he looked down at his hands.

I smiled, reaching my hand out to his face and lifting his chin up so his eyes had to meet mine.

"You, Harry Styles, are absolutely incredible."

I leaned forward, pressing my lips against his.

(A/N)- I'm sorry, it's short and it took me forever to get posted. I was going to make it longer but I figured you'd seen enough love-y scenes and this way I could just get it posted sooner. Oh well. Hope you liked it!(:

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