Day 202

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Day 202

"Sweetie? Please come out of bed," Alex called softly.

I sniffled, hugging the blankets to my chest even tighter. Luckily it was a Saturday, so I didn't have to worry about work. Because I was an absolute mess.

"I'll make you some tea," she said.

I didn't respond, keeping my eyes shut tightly.

"Fine, but I'll be back. And I'm not afraid to bring reinforcements next time."

I snorted, knowing she was bluffing. Who was she going to get? Our eighty year old next door neighbor?

I squeezed my eyes shut, just wanting the entire world to melt away.


"Alright, Arden, time to get up," Alex said, sounding firm.

Once again, I remained still.

"Arden, come on,"  a new voice said. I recognized it as Zayn's. So Alex had gotten back-up.

"Go away," I mumbled.

"No can do, sweet cheeks," Niall said much too cheerfully.

"How many of you are there?" I groaned, still covered in blankets.

"Just us two," Zayn answered. "Louis and Liam are busy taking care of, of, uh-" Zayn trailed off awkwardly.

I groaned loudly. "Just leave me here to rot away!" I cried.

"Nope, now get up, fat ass," Alex said.

"That's no way to treat your emotionally-unstable friend," I shot back.

"Yeah, well, sucks."

"You're just lovely," I said sarcastically.

"Enough bantering, you need to get up, Arden," Zayn interjected.

I heard shuffling, and soon my covers were being ripped off of my body.

I flailed my limbs, but they were caught by four strong arms and the two boys lifted me off the bed, essentially man-handling me.

"Come on, we've got tons of ice cream and chick flicks," Alex said cheerfully as she led the way out of my bedroom.

"I don't want chick flicks and ice cream," I pouted.

"Then we can talk about your problems," Alex said.

"And I really don't want to do that," I huffed as the boys threw me on to the couch.

The three of them settled around me, all eyes trained on me, probably waiting for me to have a mental breakdown. Which I was currently pretty damn close to.

"Talk to us," Niall said softly from where he was seated next to me. I considered snapping at him, but I'd always had a soft spot for Niall. I could never be mad at him.

I let out a loud sigh. "What is there to talk about? I'm sure you all know what happened."

"Well how are you feeling?" Zayn asked. "Are you mad? Are you sad? Do you want Harry back?"

"Well, I'm definitely pissed as hell. And I'm also miserable. And I have no fucking clue. Happy?"

"No," Alex retorted. "Come on Ar, we just want to help you."

"I honestly don't know you guys. It just really hurts, you know? It's like I gave him my entire heart, and I trusted him and loved him so much, and I just feel so betrayed, you know?" I rambled, a few tears slipping out of my eye, which I quickly wiped away.

"See? Now you're talking!" Alex said, earning a glare from the other three of us.

"Maybe if you talked to him.." Niall suggested.

I shook my head. "No, I don't want to see him. It hurts too much, Ni. And if I see him, I'm worried I'll crack and give in to him."

Niall frowned, but nodded in understanding.

"I just don't want you guys to throw this away. I mean, you guys seemed so great together," Zayn added.

"Yeah, well I thought so too," I sighed.

"Maybe if you just give it some time," Niall suggested.

I nodded. "Yeah, we'll see."

"I don't want to make you angry or anything- but what if Harry wants to apologize?" Alex asked cautiously.

I shook my head. "No. I don't want to talk to him. If you guys talk to him, just tell him to stay away from me. If I change my mind, I'll find him."

They nodded in understanding.

"Now, how about that ice cream?" I asked, wiping away any tears that were remaining.

Zayn chuckled, giving me a soft pat on the back as he stood up. "I'll grab it. Alex, you turn on the tv and get a movie started."

"Aye aye, captain," Alex saluted. She clicked on the tv, which was still on the same celebrity news station it had been on yesterday.

She left the room to go grab a movie, leaving me, Niall, and the news reporter.

"And on to our next story. So yesterday we talked about Harry Styles and Taylor Swift, right? Well last night, Arden Resnell was spotted leaving Style's apartment building, looking visibly distraught. Could the couple have called it quits?" the reporter droned on, showing very blurry pictures of me from last night.

I stared at the tv incredulously as Niall fumbled with the remote, before finally changing the channel to an infomercial about a food blender.

"How the fuck?" I screamed, throwing a pillow at the tv.

"Arden," Niall soothed, trying to get me to calm down.

"How did they get those pictures?" I screamed, standing now.

Niall shook his head, "I don't know."

"What's going on?" Alex and Zayn asked, rushing back in to the room.

"Arden and Harry were on the telly," Niall answered quietly.

"Oh," Alex sighed. "Come on, let's just watch a movie."

I grumbled, still pissed about that news reporter.

"Come here," Niall said, holding out his arms. I settled on to the couch next to him, and he wrapped his arms around me protectively. He made a very nice pillow.

"Alright, Saw or Paranormal Activity?" Alex asked, holding up the movie cases.

"Didn't you say you got chick flicks?" Niall voiced my own question aloud.

Alex shrugged. "I got a few, but I figured we don't need more crying or torn up emotions."

"Amen to that!" I called, sick of all these emotions that were running rampant in my heart at the moment. "I vote Paranormal Activity. We can make a whole marathon out of it!"

Alex cheered, popping the DVD in and then moving back to the couch, settling in to Zayn's arms. As far as I knew, they were still friends with benefits. Oh well, to each their own.

"Warning, I'm terrified of these movies," I whispered to Niall as the movie started.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," he said in the manliest voice he could muster.

I giggled lightly, causing Niall's entire face to light up.

"I got you to laugh and smile!" he cheered loudly.

I rolled my eyes, relaxing in to his body and turning my attention back to the movie.

(A/N): ANOTHER update today? Ugh, I suck. I tried to write an update for a different story, and it just wasn't happening... Oh well, right?

1. Favorite scene so far? (Obviously can be from any chapter)

2. Favorite line? (Also can be from any chapter)

3. We haven't talked about Zayn and Alex in a while- opinions, feelings, predictions?

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