Day 94

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Day 94

I stared at my phone, too scared to open the Twitter app. I hadn't been on it since our fight. But I was sure the "Directioners" must be exploding with theories and other crazy stuff. And I really didn't want to deal with that.

But at least I knew Harry hadn't tweeted anything either. I had mobile notifications set up for all of the boys, and nobody had said anything about Harry and I. Which was good, right?

I forced myself to get dressed, settling for some simple grey sweatpants and a fitted, long-sleeve black shirt.

I stared at the clock. Alex would be home in like five hours. But what could I do until then?


I quickly flipped off the tv, throwing my remote at the wall.

"I don't fucking care about him!" I screamed at nothing and nobody. "He's a fucking asshole! And he can't control me!" I raged.

The news had been talking about One Direction, so television was out of my options.

I fumed, slouching back onto the couch.

Fucking Harry Styles.


I sat against the wall, my back slouched.

"Why?" I sobbed. "Why does he hate me? Why hasn't he called?"

The tears poured down my face.

"What if we break up?" I cried, not even caring if I was disturbing the neighbors.


"I don't need him," I grumbled as I angrily mixed the cake batter. "He's a fucking asshole," I mumbled to myself.

I continued angrily cooking my cake. Who needs him? I had cake. Cake wouldn't ever tell me what to do. Cake was always there for me.

I poured the batter into a pan and shoved it in the oven, punching the buttons on the timer.

Alex wouldn't be home for another three hours, but at least I'd have cake.


I sat at the counter, a spoon covered in icing hanging out of my mouth. I hadn't even iced the cake.

I stuck my hand into the still warm cake, covering it in crumbly chocolate crumbs.

"I miss him," I sobbed, shoving my face with cake and icing.

The tears fell into the open icing container, but I could care less.


I laid on the couch upside down.

I didn't feel sad or angry.

I simply felt numb.

I didn't know how I should feel.

Should I go apologize to Harry?

No. I was stubborn. And he wasn't going to win.

So I stayed there. I stayed hanging there, feeling the numbness take over my limp body.


I was sick of Harry's bullshit.

I put my iPhone on full volume and hit the play button.

The pounding music made me smile before the lyrics even started.

They told me I was lucky

To have my chance with you

Now last year's summer romance

Is this year's winter blues

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