Day 118

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Day 118

I stood with Alex as the boys checked in their baggage. We wouldn't be able to go in past security, so it was almost time to say goodbye.

"You'll see them soon, Ar," Alex said quietly.

"I know," I laughed, pushing back the tears that were threatening to fall. "It's just crazy how we won't see them every day. I've gotten so used to them."

"Yeah, I understand."

We stood in silence as they finished up. Harry was the first back over to us.

He stood in front of me, simply staring at me. I thought he was going to say something, but over a minute passed before I asked, "What are you doing?"

"Memorizing every feature of you," he said simply, his eyes never leaving my face. "I have to remember every little thing about you. Like that little birthmark on your neck, under your ear, that's shaped like a moon. And the little freckle on your forehead, that's hidden by your hair half the time. And the exact shade of gray your eyes are. And how they turn almost black whenever you get either mad or laugh too hard. And the way you smell like a perfect mixture of vanilla and flowers all the time, and it's the most intoxicating scent I've ever smelled. The way you always wear that moon necklace even though I have no idea what it means. The way your smile makes my entire stomach churn. The way your nose crinkles. I have to remember everything," he finished in a whisper. His hand slowly reached forward, catching the one tear that had leaked out of my eyes. His hand stayed at my face, gently resting there as we stared at each other. "I love you so much, Arden Navy Resnell. I love every single thing about you."

I couldn't even begin to form words, so I simple leaned forward, connecting my lips to his. Time stood still. As our lips touched, I could feel his heart beating hard and fast against my chest. The kiss was so passionate, and yet so filled with longing. I wanted to remember every second of it. I grasped onto the kiss, begging myself to never forget it.

I eventually pulled away, resting my forehead against his. He smiled his sweet smile, his green eyes sparkling.

"I love you so much," I whispered against his lips.

"Are you two quite finished?" Louis chimed in, breaking Harry and I out of our embrace.

We turned back to them, my face blushing red. How much had they seen?

"I'm gonna miss ya, Ar. You'll have to come visit us, yeah?" Niall said, pulling me in for one of his famous "Horan Hugs".

"Definitely," I smiled.

After Niall released me, I turned to Liam. "Watch out for Harry," I whispered in his ear as he hugged me.

"Of course, love. I won't let him get into any trouble."

"Thanks Liam," I smiled, kissing his cheek.

Next up was Louis. "Arden, I'm gonna miss you!" he screamed, fake crying as he literally picked me up, clutching my body to his chest.

"Louis!" I laughed, trying to squirm out of his grasp. "Put me down!"

"I'll miss you more than life itself!" he sobbed into my hair.

I rolled my eyes. "Louis," I whined, still trying to squirm out.

He let out a chuckle before finally putting me down. "But I will miss you. You better call me."

"Every single day, Tommo."

"Good," he nodded.

I shook my head, searching for the final boy- Zayn. Him and Alex were a few feet away, talking in hushed tones. I waited about a minute before they exchanged a quick hug and rejoined the group.

"Zayn," I smiled, holding out my arms.

He immediately walked into my embrace, squeezing me. "Keep an eye on Alex, eh?" he asked in my ear.

"Of course," I whispered in return.

"Thanks Ar."

Alex was just finishing up saying goodbye to the boys as they gathered their carry-ons.

"Alright, you lads ready?" Paul, their brand new bodyguard asked. They all nodded. "Then let's get this show on the road."

Harry stayed where he was as the other four followed Paul off towards security.

"Harry, you need to go," I said gently.

Instead of responding, he quickly placed his lips on mine, for one final, sweet kiss. It left my lips tingling with the sweet, longing sensation.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I whispered back.

And just like that, Harry was gone.

I watched their backs disappear around the corner.

Alex and I stayed there for a few minutes before making our way back out of the airport and into a waiting taxi.

The drive back was silent, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

I'd barely said goodbye, and I already missed Harry. I missed the way his green eyes sparkled and the way his brown curls could look so messy, but also perfect in the exact same instant. I missed the way he always made me laugh. I missed the butterflies that filled my stomach just because he was looking at me. I missed how he would sing with me, even when I sounded like a dying cat. I missed how he'd tease and flirt. I missed his confidence. And I missed how his lips seemed to fit perfectly with mine. How his kisses always left me feeling content, but still longing for more. I missed Harry Edward Styles.

(A/N): Short and sweet, hm? Updating like craaaazy. And by that I mean, like three chapters in a day. So, not actually that crazy. Just kinda crazy for me. I'm gonna stop talking now.

1. How cute is Harry?

2. Come on, tell me how cute you thought Harry was.

3. I'm not kidding- TELL ME HOW CUTE HE WAS.

4. Name a random song. Preferably one that you think I've never heard of.

I'm sorry you guys, I've been sick, and I'm going a bit loopy. Bear with me.

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