Day 300

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Day 300

My entire body bounced against the bed and there was a loud creaking sound.

"Arden! Wake up!" Alex sing-songed in an overly happy voice.

I groaned, but internally I was a least a little happy she was excited for once. A slight break from the Zayn drama was a welcome relief.

I opened my eyes slightly and saw Alex staring at me from the bottom of my bed. "Happy birthday!" she shouted as soon as she saw I was awake.

"Let the birthday girl sleep," I whined.

"Nope. The brand new 19 year old has things to do!" she said, grabbing my arm and giving me a tug that pulled me half way out of the bed.

I grumbled but realized it was probably too late to go back to sleep anyway.

Standing up, I glared at Alex. "Someone really needs to teach you some manners," I huffed while straightening out my oversized t-shirt.

"Don't blame me. I'm not the one with a date," she said, drawing out the a in date in a teasing fashion.

"A date? What are you talking about?" I muttered as I walked over to the mirror and dragged a comb through my hair. I hadn't even mentioned my birthday to any of them. How did Alex- and possibly Harry- even know?

"Harry told me to tell you to get dressed and meet him on the roof," she beamed, probably proud of herself for remembering something. "Oh, and to wear something comfy, but summer-y."

I looked at her in confusion, but she simply shrugged. I wasn't sure if she knew more than she was letting on, but I guess my best bet was going to Harry and finding out what was really going on.

I grabbed some shorts and a tank top and went to the bathroom, quickly changing and throwing on my standard, basic make-up.

When I was done, I found Alex sitting in the kitchen. "You're sure he said roof, right?" I asked skeptically.

She nodded. "Positive."

I shrugged and left the apartment, walking towards the stairs. I'd never taken the ones that went up, past our floor before. I didn't even know this building had an accessible roof.

I walked up the stairs for a couple flights before I started to grow confused. The building wasn't this tall- was it? But sure enough, after the 5th floor, I found a door marked "Roof".

I gently pushed it open, half expecting alarms to go off, but it remained silent.

"Harry?" I called as I opened the door and was temporarily blinded by the bright sunlight. It was the middle of summer, and today was a very sunny day.

I stepped outside and carefully looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and I still had no sign of Harry.

I carefully walked outside and then turned around to look behind the stairwell, only to stop in my tracks to gasp in astonishment.

There Harry was, lounging on a beach chair, casually sipping from some kind of fruity looking drink. Surrounding him was an entire beach worth of sand and fake palm trees. Oh, and the best part? Harry was wearing only a pair of swimming trunks.

"What did you do?" I asked in astonishment, still staring at the scene in front of me. There was no way this was legal.

"Happy birthday, Arden," he grinned, standing up from the chair and setting his drink down. "You might want to close your mouth- it's kind of windy and the sands been blowing around a lot. Probably don't want to swallow it."

I shut my gaping mouth but was still amazed and confused. How had he done this?

"Oh and don't freak out, I got permission," he beamed.

"But- but why?" I stuttered and I took a few cautious steps forward.

"It's part of your birthday surprise."


He nodded. "It's a clue to your real present."

My eyes widened as I stared at him. He couldn't- no. We both had to work, right? There was no way.

"Harry, you didn't," I dead-panned.

"Oh, but I did," he grinned. "You and I. Twelve days. St. Thomas. Our own private beach house with our own private stretch of beach. No paparazzi to bother us, no work, no One Direction, no Alex and Zayn, no modeling. Just Harry and Arden."

I shook my head, genuinely not believing my ears. It all sounded too good to be true. "Harry, it's a girl's best dream."

"There's only one catch."

I eyed him skeptically, not wanting to believe it really was too good to be true, but also not wanting to get my hopes up.

"We leave in four hours."

At first, I considered slapping him, but I ended up going for the screaming route. "And you didn't tell me sooner!?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" he defended.

I shook my head. "Harry Styles, how am I going to pack?"

"You don't have to! Paul already took care of it all."

I stared at him. "You had someone pack for me?"

Harry shrugged. "I thought you'd be happy."

It was nice that I didn't have to pack for myself- but thinking of someone going through my clothes and underwear and all? No thank you.

"Now you just have to get personal stuff you want to bring," Harry beamed, proud of himself again.

I huffed and spun around on my heel and stormed over to the door.

"Hey! Where are you going?" he called after me.

"To fucking pack, you moron!" I yelled back.

I heard him chuckling as I slammed the door and practically sprinted back to the flat.


"Come on, one piece!" Alex begged.

"Alex, I'm packing!" I said for the thousandth time as I stuffed  a book into my purse and went over my mental checklist again.

"Just come eat cake with me! I won't see you for twelve days and it's your birthday," she pouted.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I think I have everything," I muttered, hoping I was right.

I followed her into the kitchen and sat at the island as she cut us pieces of the cake she'd bought yesterday and hid in the fridge.

"Where are you guys going?" Alex asked, even though I'm pretty sure I'd already told her three times.

"St. Thomas. It's one of the Virgin Islands," I answered.

"Well I'm sure you two can fix that," she said before bursting out cackling at her own joke.

I rolled my eyes, but felt the corners of my mouth tug into a smile.

"I hate you, but I'll miss you," I said to her.

She grinned at me but before she could respond, there was a loud knock at the door.

"Oh, that's probably Harry," I said, pushing my now empty plate aside and jumping up to grab my bag.

"Have everything?" Alex asked as I rushed around.

I nodded. "Think so."

I opened the door to reveal a grinning Harry. "Paul has your suitcase in the car already. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, just one thing," I told him, turning back to Alex. I quickly wrapped my arms around her in a tight squeeze before she could protest and hugged the living daylights out of her skinny body. "Don't get into too much trouble without me, okay?"

"No promises," she smirked.

I rolled my eyes but released her and glanced at my bag for a final check. "Ok, I'm ready," I announced proudly.

And just like that, Harry and I were walking hand in hand out the door.

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