Day 413

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Day 413

I trudged into the family room, plopping onto the couch and pulling out my phone. No messages. Just like always.

My relationships with all the other boys were becoming awkward and I just missed how things used to be.

I sighed, plopping my head onto my arm and curling my legs under myself.

My eyes drifted back in the direction of the phone which I had left laying across the couch. I debated in my head if it was a good idea or not, before finally picking up the phone and opening a new text.

I typed in the name "Marcus" and then tried to create the message to send to him. We still sent texts to each other every once in a while, but our relationship had seemed strained. However, I was in desperate need of a friend right now, considering Alex was out with Zayn.

After about ten minutes, I finally had the text composed, and I forced myself to hit send before reading it over one more time.

"Hey Marcus! I miss you, I feel like it's been forever since we've seen each other. We should hang out soon, if you're free."

I then threw the phone onto the other side of the couch, sinking into the cushions and awaiting a response- if I would ever get one.

The phone buzzed and my hand instantly shot out to get it, only to pull it back to me and sigh in disappointment.

It was just a text from Alex asking if I was okay and if I needed her to bring anything back with her.

I sent back a quick text, telling her that I was fine.

As soon as I slicked off the phone and was about to throw it away from me, it buzzed again- reading the name Marcus across the front.

I stared at the phone with hope, opening the message and reading his words.

"Arden! Long time no see. I would love to hang out, but I'm so swamped with exams and term papers. What about next week?"

I sent back a confirmation text feeling myself inwardly smiling, but outwardly my body felt too tired to even muster up real emotions.

I lost track of time as I sat on the couch, staring at nothing, doing nothing. Just sitting in silence, my mind awash with static- not being able to form any real thoughts.

At some point, the door opened and I heard Alex calling for me.

I didn't respond, staying in my fixed trance. But when she came waltzing into the living room, stopping directly in front of me, I had to give her my attention.

"Ar, how long have you been sitting here?" she asked, looking down at me with a look of worry across her features.

I shrugged.

"Arden, can't you at least pretend to pay attention to me? I hate seeing you like this!"

I shrugged again, feeling unmoved by her words.

She groaned, plopping down on the couch next to me. "What if we have a chick flick movie night? We can eat lots of ice cream and just watch until we feel numb inside from so much crying about other girls and their heartbreaks. How does that sound?"

I shrugged once again.

Alex suddenly stood, her fists balled as she swung around to face me. "Look- I know that you're sad and upset about Harry, but that gives you no right to act like such a fucking bitch!" she yelled through gritted teeth. "I'm sick and tired of your whole 'look at me, I'm so depressed because I don't have a boyfriend' act. It's exhausting! And plus, it's not like he just dumped you, you guys broke up mutually, so I don't know why you're complaining!" she finished ranting, her chest heaving up and down with the effort it took to scream at me, her eyes on fire as they bored into my skull.

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