Day 309

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Day 309

"I'll just meet you down there," I called to an impatient Harry as I brushed my hair back into a loose ponytail.

"Alright. I'm taking the towels and chairs with me, so don't worry about them," he yelled back through the house.

I heard the front door slam just as I walked over to the mirror to give myself a final glance over.

My slightly sheer, white cover-up worked nicely to look beachy, but still cover up my tribal print bikini underneath. I slipped on my favorite pair of cheap black flip flops and grabbed my sunglasses before exiting the bedroom and heading down the stairs.

I made my way out the door, taking in the light sea air and bright sunlight. It was hot, but not overwhelmingly so.

Just as I started to walk towards the ocean, I realized I'd forgotten something. I quickly spun around and dashed inside the house, grabbing my book from the end table I'd left it on last night.

Once satisfied that I truly had everything, I walked the short distance to the ocean and found our towels and chairs set up in the sand. However, there was no Harry with them.

I settled into my chair and looked around for the curly haired boy. I soon spotted him over at the rental station, where you could rent pretty much any sort of water activity you could imagine.

I had no idea what he was getting up to, but decided to simply relax and read my book.

A few minutes later, I heard the sound of splashing. Looking up, I saw Harry, surf board in hand, making his way into the water.

"Harry!" I called. "You don't know how to surf!"

"Well then it's about time I learned," he grinned, looking back at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't get eaten by a shark!"

He waved me off, making his way deeper into the water. There was no way this was going to end well. As far as I knew, Harry had never surfed before in his life. And I highly doubted it was simply a skill you could just pick up.

"Incoming!" a voice yelled from my left. I quickly looked over to see a frisbee flying straight towards me.

I instantly ducked down, just as I felt it whoosh over my head.

"Sorry about that!" a male voice panted as someone ran over to retrieve the frisbee.

I looked up cautiously and at the man. "It's alright," I said simply.

He gave me a dazzling smile, one that glinted in the sunlight. He was blatantly shirtless and overly tan. He seemed like he was trying just a bit too hard. And almost as if the frisbee hadn't been a mere accident.

"You're okay, right?" he asked.

I nodded, scooping the frisbee out of the sand and offering it to him. He took it from my hands and gave me a funny look.

"Are you here by yourself?"

"No," I stated simply. "And this is actually a private beach, so if you'd be so kind," I continued with a tight lip smile, hoping he'd get the message leave me alone.

"Oh, touchy touchy. Here with your boyfriend then?" he pushed.

"It's none of your business and I'd like you to leave now," I replied through gritted teeth.

He put his hands up in surrender. "Whatever you say. I'll see you around," he called as he jogged off.

"No you won't," I muttered.

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